Page 226 of Corrupted Kingdom

He arranged his face into a perfect blank stare. ‘Yes, ma’am,’ he said, dissolving into laughter. I made a disapproving sound in my throat. ‘You’re opening your wound again, silly. You’re gonna bleed all over the place.’

The gauze was steadily getting redder. ‘Jesus, he really got you good,’ I said. After the words had left my mouth, I winced, realising how stupid they sounded. He’d just brawled with his best friend, my lover, and from the sounds of it, he’d been lucky to walk away.

He didn’t take offence, though. He smirked, and that fucking dimple in his cheek was enough to make a woman orgasm just by looking at it. He had that playful twinkle back in his bright blue eyes, almost like the fight with Dornan had woken him up or something. Given him some motivation to make a move.

‘You think this is bad?’ he said, spinning his coffee cup around and around. ‘You should see the other guy.’

I sat back in my side of the booth, raised one eyebrow. ‘Oh, yeah?’

‘I’m pretty sure his nose is broken,’ he said.

I smiled wryly, thinking about how it was about time somebody knocked some sense into Dornan, even as my chest tightened at the thought of him being hurt. Old habits died hard. He’d hurt me so much, I should’ve been numb to his suffering. And yet I found myself hoping that he was all right. Did he need me?

On a practical level, I was also thinking about whether he was at my apartment right now, wondering where I was, waiting for me to patch him up. Then again, he was impatient. If he arrived and I wasn’t there, he’d call me. My phone had lain on the table beside my breakfast the entire time, silent.

‘You must have been mad,’ I said, ‘to break his nose.’

John’s playful expression dropped away.

‘What?’ I asked.

‘He pulled a gun on me,’ he said, making his hand into the shape of a gun and wedging it beneath his chin, his fingertips – the make-believe barrel – pressed into his throat.

‘He pulled a gun on you?’ I echoed. Suddenly, I wasn’t envisioning a testosterone-fuelled fracas, but a full-on vicious cage fight to the death.

‘He didn’t like some of the things I called him out on,’ John said, pressing his fingers to his forehead. They came away red, the gauze pad taped to his skin completely soaked through. A waitress came over, barely glancing at John’s wound. For all she knew, he was an extra from one of the nearby studio lots. We were in television city, make-believe land, and our oddness made us blend in, in a way.

John paid the waitress and she took my waffles to box up. I’d barely touched them, too busy talking, but I might want them after a couple of hours’ sleep.

‘You got a bathroom?’ John asked her. The woman looked at him like he was an idiot. She didn’t even respond with words, just pointed to a door in the back.

‘I’m gonna go get this cleaned up,’ he said.

I held up my purse. ‘I’ll come with you. I brought extra gauze. Since you insist on not getting stitches.’

Luckily there was a staff bathroom and changeroom that nobody seemed to be using. John held the door open for me and then locked it, testing it to make sure it couldn’t open. We were good. He leaned down while I took off the old gauze and tried my best to clean the wound again. It was deep, and looked nasty.

‘Does it hurt?’ I asked him.

He shrugged. ‘I’ve had things hurt a lot more.’

‘Like what?’

He licked his lips, put his hands on my waist. ‘Like my cock right now.’

Lust dragged through my belly like wildfire and I swear, I felt my pupils dilate.

‘Oh, yeah? Your cock needs medical attention, too?’

He smirked, pulling me close with a forceful jerk. I could feel his hardness against my belly, and I wanted it all to myself. An empty ache throbbed between my thighs, demanding to be filled.

He brought a finger to my chin, tilting my face up to his. One kiss. That was all it took for my lamb to become a lion.

‘Take your fucking panties off before I rip them off.’ His eyes burned with desire and I felt my heart skip a beat.

Shit. I was about ready to come just from his words.

I hitched my skirt up, making it a show for him as I hooked my thumbs into the edges of my panties and slid them down my thighs. I was wearing white panties, and there was a clear wet patch on the inside. John saw it as I stepped out of the panties and he made a growling noise in the back of his throat, snatching them from me.