Page 119 of Corrupted Kingdom

There was a knock at the door. I froze, my eyes darting between Murphy and the door.

‘I’d ask you if you brought a friend with you,’ I said quietly, ‘but I know you don’t have any of those.’

I stood, mainly because I didn’t want to be a sitting duck. Murphy reached back and opened the front door, while I shifted my balance onto my toes, ready to move quickly if I needed to. I was fucking stupid for not having my gun right at my fingertips! But after nine years you get complacent.

A figure entered through the front door. A woman. She wore black pants and a gun holster that sliced a criss-cross over her white shirt.

‘This your partner?’ I asked. ‘Should have called ahead, Murphy. I would have gotten out the good china.’

The woman, who’d not spoken yet, eyed me. Judgey fucking eyes they were, too. From her appearance, I could see she had some Latina in her, maybe Mexican. She had long, dark brown hair that was swept up into a messy ponytail and caramel-coloured skin, like mine when I went out in the sun. Her almond-shaped eyes were lined with black make-up, and they were narrowed at me.

Yeah. Murphy definitely had a type.

‘Mary-anna,’ she said, mispronouncing my name on purpose. ‘I’ve heard so much about you.’

‘That’s funny,’ I said, my hands burning to grab the hidden gun. ‘I haven’t heard a single thing about you.’

She chuckled. ‘She’s mouthy,’ she said to Murphy, but looking at me.

‘She’s right here,’ I replied. ‘And she’s busy, so if we could get to the point . . .’

Murphy smiled. ‘Allie, I’ll meet you in the car. Give me a call if that shit-kicker comes back.’

Allie looked put out. ‘We’ll hear his bike,’ she protested, angling herself so that I couldn’t hear and placing a hand on Murphy’s chest. Only, she was three feet in front of me, and I had excellent hearing.

A wry grin spread across my face as soon as she touched Murphy. Gross.

‘Oh, you two are fucking. Sorry, I’m a little slow tonight. I wasn’t expecting you to let yourselves into my house, Allie.’

She snorted. ‘That’s Agent Baxter to you, bitch. And this is your house?’ Allie repeated, turning back to me. ‘Really? You own this place?’

I didn’t respond.

‘How many bedrooms?’ she asked, looking around the hallway and lounge room. ‘Two? Three? Still holding out hope that they’ll let you bring your little bastard to live here?’

My grin vanished. All I saw was red. My fingers tingled impatiently, anxious to wrap them around her throat and squeeze until she begged me to stop.

Seemed I’d absorbed some of Dornan’s violent tendencies in the past decade.

As my grin vanished, hers grew.

‘You should probably leave,’ I said coolly. ‘Your boyfriend likes to try and fuck me when we’re alone, and I think you’re putting him off his game.’

There it was. Snap. I could practically see the rage rush through her veins, it was so instantaneous. Her entire demeanour changed, and she lunged for me. Murphy, who’d been silent thus far, reached out and closed his long fingers around the top of her arm, wrenching her back.

‘I’m going to kill this bitch,’ Allie said, trying to pull her arm from Murphy’s grip.

‘I could have your ass thrown in jail, and your precious fucking Gypsy Brothers couldn’t do a thing about it,’ she seethed. ‘Who the fuck do you think you are?’

I snorted. ‘Someone who looks a lot like you, apparently. Funny that.’ Seriously, though. The resemblance was uncanny. We could have been sisters, for Christ’s sake. Eww.

She lunged again, and Murphy made a growling sound, pulling her roughly towards the front door. ‘Go wait in the fucking car,’ he fumed. ‘I wouldn’t touch this filthy whore if you paid me.’

I put a hand to my heart in mock disappointment. ‘You’re breaking my heart,’ I said.

Allie continued to stare at me, trying to kill me with her eyes, and Murphy bundled her out through the front door and slammed it in her face.

‘She seems lovely,’ I said, my tone sickly sweet. ‘Has she met your parents yet?’