Page 47 of Knot your Good Girl

The door emits a creaking sound as it opens.

I shoot a disapproving look at Aiden as he nonchalantly props himself against the door frame.

I turn away and type out.

Not until the 2nd Jan.

“Who are you texting?” he asks.

“You didn’t buy my private life.” I turn away from him.

“You don’t have a private life when you’re on my time or dime.”

“Fuck you,” I murmur under my breath. I hate that he makes me curse.

“Next door,” he grunts and slams the door.

We need staff this week. Please cancel your leave. I need to use the entire day to plead with you not to abandon me. I might summon the courage to change bosses.

I let out a sigh as I silence my cell, slip into my robe, cinch the belt around my waist, and leisurely trail after Aiden to his sex chamber.

He is sitting on the bed when I open the door. He’s fully clothed—as expected—and full of fury.

“Strip off.” No, please or thank you, it’s like he’s still annoyed with me and already forgotten his promise on the plane not even a day ago.

“What did I do wrong this time?” I hiss as I remember his hand around my throat. He rolls up his shirt sleeves, all the time watching me as I remain with my belt tight around my body. “I’m not undressing until you tell me what I’ve done wrong.”

He doesn’t answer. He stays seated on the bed, with his legs crossed at the ankles, leaning back and placing both palms on the mattress, patiently waiting.

I cast a disdainful glance towards the ceiling.

“You tell me?” he grunts.

It is me.

My heart rate spikes as I ponder the entirety of my actions since coming here. He has engaged in many actions that I have found displeasing. However, the sole instance that comes to mind is his act of finding me taking photographs of myself in my bedroom.

I should be furious with him for walking in on me, not the other way around.

He arches a brow, and I have to swallow twice because now he’s making me nervous. “I thought we sorted out what happened in the bedroom.”

“What happened?”

“It’s my space and my body and I can do anything I want to.”

“Not on my time. And not when you signed an NDA.”

“When I’m by myself, I’m not doing anything other than keeping myself occupied,” I say, mimicking the arch of the brow he gives me.

“It’s my home, Holly.”

I sigh. “Okay, I won’t do it again while I’m here.” I swallow again, trying to get rid myself of the damn lump in my throat.

“I told you to strip.”

My eyes narrow as I try to work out if he’s being serious, but when he merely looks at me as though he’s bored, I unbind the belt on my robe.

I take my time, ensuring my gaze remains fixed on his, as I let go of the disentangled belt. He tilts his head. His chin is prominent in the air as he waits for me to remove the robe.