I dropped my gaze back down to the valley below and stared at nothing in particular. “I haven’t been around there much lately. Keith became too impossible for me to keep working with every day. I guess I shouldn’t be too surprised that he’s pushing ahead for the opening, though. He’s probably up to something. Maybe trying to take the place over for himself.”
“I don’t think so,” she defended. “He committed to having that place open again and celebrating with the whole town today. Why wouldn’t he stick to it?”
I flashed her a look. “Are you kidding me? Because it’s Keith. Sticking to things or pretty much doing anything noble or good is completely out of character for him.”
“He’s not as bad as you think. I think he’s actually a decent guy,” she argued.
I crossed my arms and huffed, “You’re just saying that because you almost slept with him.”
“No, I’m saying that because I threw myself at him when I was drunk and upset, and he stopped things from going too far,” she fired back.
My brow furrowed. “Really? That’s how it happened?”
“Yeah,” she shrugged. “Anyway, I…”
My brain started working in rapid-fire. The wheelchair was gone. Claire was almost fully recovered, or at least well on her way to it. I couldn’t keep hiding it all from her forever. The time had come.
“I need to tell you something,” I blurted, cutting her off.
My chest started heaving up and down with heavy breaths as I prepared for it to all come spilling out.
“Keith and I were sleeping together,” I told her with both relief and panic in my voice. “I didn’t tell you because I was embarrassed. We were sleeping together, but not anymore. Not after you told me what happened between the two of you. Actually…it was more than just sex. I had feelings for him.”
“Had feelings?”
“Obviously, I know now how stupid it was to fall for him again,” I grumbled.
“Why? Because of what I told you?”
“Well, yeah. Of course.”
“Lana, that was years ago and…”
“No, I know. But he didn’t tell me. He hooked up with you, of all people. My best friend. And he didn’t think it’d be important to mention.”
“Because I asked him not to,” she argued. “I made him promise not to tell anyone. And we didn’t hook up.”
“Fine. You made out,” I huffed. “Call it what you want, but it happened. It’s not just you. He’s pretty much been with every woman in town, and I’m not going to reduce myself to being just another girl on his long list of conquests. Look, Claire…” I turned to face her. “I need you to promise me something. I would normally never ask something like this of you, but you have to promise me you won’t get involved with him. I know I come across as all strong and invincible, but I couldn’t bear to watch that. Not you and him.”
My voice shook with desperation. Even just thinking about the possibility of anything else happening between them shattered my heart. She was quiet for a moment, then surprised me by bursting into laughter.
“What’s so funny?”
She gasped, struggling to catch her breath and speak. “I’m sorry,” she chortled. “It’s just…Really!? Me and Keith!? Have you lost your mind!?”
“It’s not so far-fetched. He made out with you when you were married. Now that you’re single, I give it a week tops before he makes a pass at you.”
She shook her head as her laughter faded. “I was so drunk and sad that night,” she explained with a deep sigh. “I told you how he was the only one in the bar besides Jake. But if he hadn’t been, I probably would have thrown myself at Jake instead. I was hurt and desperate to get back at Chris. I was the one who kissed Keith, and sure…he went with it for a moment. But he stopped it. He offered to give me a ride because I was wasted, and I asked him to take me back to his place. I threw myself at him again, thinking we’d sleep together. But he turned me down. He said it didn’t matter what Chris had done. He wasn’t going to sleep with a married woman. He let me sleep in his bed, and he slept on the couch.”
I let the words sink in, trying to decide if they changed anything.
“So it really was just a kiss?”
“Yes. And he made sure it was nothing more. Honestly, I don’t think he would have kissed me back at all, but I caught him off guard. You can imagine how humiliated I was when I woke up the next morning. I begged him not to tell anyone, not even you. He promised…and obviously kept his word. He was really nice about the whole thing. I think he’s a good guy, despite his reputation. We all make mistakes. I’m perfect proof of that.”
“He tried to tell me all of that,” I admitted. “But I wouldn’t listen.”
“I feel terrible,” she groaned. “Everyone in the whole town had been banking on the two of you ending up together. We all thought it’d happen for sure now that you’re back. And it did! But I had to go and open my big fat mouth and ruin it all.”