Page 51 of Until Forever

“It’s the best view in town,” he boasted as he looked across it for himself.

“You said you do this a lot?” I asked after we took a moment to bask in it all.

“Oh yeah. Ever since high school. What about you? Did you ever climb up here back in the day?”

“Nooooo,” I laughed. “I wasn’t above breaking the rules from time to time, as you well know. But they were calculated risks. I always made sure I could deal with the consequences of anything I might get caught doing. Coming up here? Mrs. Halstead would have killed me if she found out.”

He hung his head and laughed. “The Halsteads were good people.”

I studied him for a moment, thinking how nice it was to feel so comfortable with someone. Sure, I had plenty of friends back in LA. But I forgot how good it felt to be home and to be around people who came from the same place. There were so many unspoken understandings and similarities. You didn’t have to explain every little thing. Keith just knew, because he grew up there too. It was almost like…he felt like home just as much as Silver Point did.

But, of course, my nagging insecurities got the better of me. I couldn’t have that nice thought without immediately remembering all the reasons it was dangerous to think like that.

“I bet you brought every girl you could up here in high school to make out with them,” I teased. It was a testing joke, and it stung to say it.

His eyes met mine with stone-cold seriousness. “No,” he said definitively. “Actually, I’ve always come up here to be alone. To think. You’re the first woman…and the first person I’ve ever climbed up here with.”

I blushed and glanced away, trying to hide how happy it made me to hear that. But of course, his eyes sucked me right back in.

A big grin spread across his face. “You’re probably the only one brave enough to climb it with me anyway.”

I laughed and felt the gravitational pull of my lips to his. He wrapped his hand around the back of my neck and kissed me slow and deep. My body felt like it was falling right over the side of the tower, and it was enough to make me feel dizzy and unsafe.

“Maybe we should go back down,” I whispered against his lips.

“Back to my place?” he asked, his eyes begging.

I nodded before I could have time to change my mind.



Our lips collided again the moment we were standing in front of Keith’s house, and the kiss didn’t break as we shuffled inside. The second we were through the door, he lifted me into the air. My legs wrapped around his waist, and my hips grind into him as he pushed my back against the wall and slammed the door shut with his foot.

I reached for the bulge in his pants and pressed against it, squeezing and stroking until he was groaning against my mouth and ripping off my clothes. I barely noticed us crashing down to the floor of his living room. I was so desperate for relief, and I released every ounce of my frustrations on him through bruising kisses, kneading hands, and the fiery lust seeping from my pores.

With his clothes stripped off and tossed to the side, I kissed my way down his body—relishing in the taste of his tight muscles wrapped in hot skin. The low, heavy moans bellowing out from deep in his chest vibrated through his body and into mine.

My hand wrapped around the throbbing length of him, then my mouth followed my touch. I could feel him shaking as I took him into the back of my throat. I wanted him to be a messy puddle in my hands, just the way I had always felt in his. It was a kind of revenge on my part, only through pleasure instead of pain. It must have been working, too, because after a minute or two, he had to pull me off of him. He was unable to stand it anymore.

He rolled us over, pinning me underneath his strong body. I writhed on the rug, squirming in anticipation. That’s when he got back at me, teasing me with his fingers and swirling tongue until I was ready to explode. I pushed him away the same as he had done to me. I was too impatient to wait. I had to feel him inside of me. His head raised, and he questioned me with his eyes, but it didn’t take long for him to figure out what I wanted.

I could feel myself stretching around him as he slid inside. I rocked my hips and angled him exactly where I wanted him to go. He reached in between my legs and coaxed me to the brink, taking me there at the exact moment he wanted—so we would crash over the edge together.

My words became muttered, tangled, and unintelligible as he thrusts in and out, pushing and pulling against all of my tingling nerves. The volcano of pleasure exploded inside both of us at once. I gasped for air, sucking in what I could to help me ride through the intense waves of it.

Orgasms weren’t necessarily something special. I could give them to myself without a man’s help any time I wanted. But there was something significant in those few seconds just as the orgasm reached its height and started to fall again. When your whole body is surging with release, and you have this almost primal craving to be enveloped in warm skin and love. You want to be lost in someone else’s body as you come back down to earth. Maybe anyone can give you an orgasm, but not just anybody can be someone you’re happy to go crashing back to the ground with afterward.

I needed that feeling of being lost in Keith’s body more than I knew. Maybe because it was the only thing that finally managed to quiet all of the questions and anxieties that had been relentlessly plaguing me. Resting in his arms calmed everything so well for me that I ended up falling asleep against him, right there in the middle of the floor. It wasn’t until he carried me to his bed in the middle of the night that I realized what I had done, but by that point, I was too tired to care.

I didn’t wake up again until the bright morning sun came bursting through the curtains in Keith’s room. I sat up to stretch with a yawn, realizing that I was completely naked underneath his sheets, but also that I was alone in the bed.

“Keith!?” I called out through the house.

“I’m in the kitchen!” he shouted back. “Making breakfast. I hope you’re hungry.”

“I’m starving,” I grumbled to myself with another yawn.