Page 23 of Until Forever

“No, I’ve got it from here,” I replied. “Thanks for everything.”

“Y'all be sure to bring me some of those cookies when they’re finished!” she yelled before shutting the door behind her.

Claire navigated her way through positioning her wheelchair and pulling the baking sheets out of the oven. I wanted to jump in and help, but I knew she was trying to do as much on her own as possible. It turned out, she didn’t really need my help anyway. With a spatula in hand, she managed to reach the cookies well enough to transfer them to cooling racks just fine on her own.

“Can we please watch junk TV while these cool off? Or do you have to get back to Keith?”

“Keith!?” I snapped. “No! Why would I need to get back to him!?”

I knew immediately from the confused look on her face that I had overreacted.

“To work on the marina?” she shot back in bewilderment. “How did it go there today anyway?”

“Fine,” I barked. “Completely fine. Yes, junk TV. Let’s go do that, please.”

She was still thrown by how weird I was acting, but she followed me into the living room anyway. I watched as she used her arm strength to move from her wheelchair to the recliner.

“You’re getting better at that,” I smiled.

“Yeah, but hopefully, I’m better at it just in time to not need this skill anymore. The doctor says we can start working to put more weight on my legs soon.”

“That’s exciting!”

“I never knew using my legs could be so exciting, but I guess we take a lot for granted, huh?”

I nodded emphatically. “We sure do. No doubt about that. At least by watching you go through this, I can try to learn to stop doing that as much.”

She flipped on the TV and turned it to some matchmaking reality show. Every time someone leaned in for a kiss, my mind flashed back to sitting on the fallen tree trunk with Keith. I wanted to believe I was making too big of a deal out of it. That I exaggerated how much I got sucked into his stare, how fixated I was on his lips, and how close we came to kissing. But as I watched the people on TV go through the same motions over and over again, my worst fear was confirmed. I wasn’t exaggerating anything. That really almost happened.

Even more than not wanting to think about how it really almost happened, I didn’t want to think about why it really almost happened. I mean, sure—Keith was basically turning half of my notions about him on their head and revealing his deep desire to find a relationship that was basically the same as everything I ever dreamed about in a relationship. But it was Keith! I was smart enough to know it was a trick. He didn’t really want those things or feel that way. He was a womanizing chameleon and knew how to read minds well enough to spout off whatever someone wanted to hear so he could get into their pants.

So, knowing all of that, how did I come so close to falling for it?

For the rest of the day, I worked hard not to think about it—which was no easy feat, but I was determined to forget that weird blip of a moment ever happened.

Thankfully, the universe did me a favor. Keith texted that night to say he would be away from the work site for the next few days to do some work for his construction business. Not only would I have some time and space before I had to face him again, but I wouldn’t have him in my way, questioning me at every turn for a little while.

The rest of the week was wonderful and everything I imagined it would be when I first decided to rebuild the marina. I consulted with the contracting supervisor and worked with the architect and designer. Every day, our vision was a little closer to being brought to life. I always worked better when I was the one in charge, without someone challenging me on every little thing.

But that blissful period couldn’t last forever. A new week and new stage of construction began just as Keith was free to return to work with us for a few days. I was filled with dread and nerves that morning as I got ready to go to the site.

“What’s up with you today?” Claire asked over breakfast. “You seem moody or down or something.”

“Nope, I’m fine!” I insisted, then quickly guzzled down some orange juice and stood up to gather my things.

“You sure?” she pressed, eyeing me closely as I headed for the door.

I made a strategic decision not to mention to her what had happened with Keith. For one thing, saying it out loud made it more real. And I’d have to face her relentless judgment and teasing.

“Completely sure. I’m fine. Mrs. Hawkins will come by around lunch time. You okay by yourself until then? I can go in later if you need me too.”

I started to add that Keith would be there, so they wouldn’t miss me for a few hours. But I didn’t want to mention his name in front of her. I knew my cheeks would turn as red as a tomato, and then she’d really start harassing me, demanding to know what was up.

I also wanted to avoid being there when he showed up and started questioning all the work that had been done while he was gone. I could imagine him walking through and nit-picking every executive call I had made on the layout and design in his absence. At least if I was gone for the initial blow of it, he might chill out by the time I showed up.

“I’m eager for some alone time, honestly,” she told me, much to my dismay. “Go on to work, and I’ll see you later.”

“Hopefully, with more baked goods to share?”