Page 127 of The Perfect Fit

That makes her laugh harder, and she places the offending item on the floor. “I’ll clean it off later. It’ll be fine.” She wipes her hands on her red flannel pants.

My eyes roam her perfect body, hardly any of which I can currently see thanks to the aforementioned red flannel. “The fuck are you wearing, princess?”

“My Christmas pajamas.” She smiles brighter than the Christmas lights surrounding her.

I brush her dark curls back from her forehead. “You’re fucking adorable, you know that?”

A sweet pink flush stains her cheeks. Despite how she’s turned into an even bigger brat than Xander and all the filthy ways we fuck her, she still blushes so innocently when I compliment her. “You’re not really mad at Samson, are you?” She flutters her eyelashes.

I glance over my shoulder at the snoring Saint Bernard mix she brought home six weeks ago after someone left him tied up outside her building for an entire day. He wasn’t chipped, but I was convinced someone would claim him. Now I know why nobody did. He’s a menace.

But he’s our menace now. “No.” I sigh. “Who can be mad at that giant ball of slobber and fur?”

She giggles, and I sit on the floor beside her. Leaning back against the sofa, I pull her onto my lap. “Just please tell me you don’t plan on filling our gorgeous home with dogs.”

She bites down on her lip and looks up at the ceiling as she hums softly. Six months ago, we bought a house in the Hamptons, right on Wainscott Beach. We wanted somewhere we could switch off from the city on the weekends, but we’ve spent almost all our time here since. There’s something about having all four of us here that makes it feel like home in a way that nowhere else ever has. “I’m not sure I can make such an insane promise,” she finally says with a shrug. “I mean what if I find another poor stray who has nowhere else to go?”

“Wrong answer, princess.” Tickling her and nuzzling her neck, I soak in the music of her laughter. Who am I kidding? Our girl could bring home every stray in New York and none of us would do a thing to stop her.

She squeals and squirms in my arms, and I stop torturing her in favor of relaxing with her in my arms. Peace envelops me the way it so often does when she’s near. I glance at the twelve-foot fir near the fireplace, decorated in red and gold. “The tree looks beautiful.”

“Thank you. Xander and Zeke helped.”

I arch an eyebrow. “Zeke?”

She laughs. “Mostly Xander.”

I drop a kiss on her forehead. “Where are they?”

“I left them fooling around upstairs about fifteen minutes ago.”

“Oh?” I nip her neck and slide my hand beneath her pajama shirt. “So I have you all to myself?”

“Seems like,” she whispers. “Those two were super hot for each other.”

One of the many things I love about her is that she’s never threatened by our relationships with each other. “You didn’t want to join in?”

She shrugs. “The dogs needed feeding, and they seemed to be doing just fine without me. So I finished off the lights on the tree. Anyway”—she tugs on my tie, pulling me closer—“you’re home late, Mr. Archer.”

I run my nose over her sweet-smelling throat. “I was tying up a lot of loose ends so I won’t have to work until after the new year.”

Her eyes widen. “Really?”

I shake my head. “I won’t so much as open my laptop.”

Rolling her eyes, she swats my shoulder. “Liar.”

Flipping her over, I position her across my knee and spank her. The dogs glance over at her squeal, but immediately go back to ignoring us. They’re used to their mom getting her ass spanked and squealing like a brat. “Did you just call me a liarandroll your eyes, princess?” I smack her ass again.

“You two having fun without us?” I turn my head and grin at Zeke. Xander ambles in beside him.

When I pull Lily back up to a sitting position, her cheeks are as red as her pajamas. “Well, I was about to.”

“You bring our gifts?” Xander asks me with a knowing smile.

“I did. They’re in my briefcase in the hall.”

“But all the gifts are under the big tree in the living room,” Lily says as Xander rushes out, practically skipping.