Page 46 of The Perfect Fit

“No. It’s too dangerous.”

“Please. I miss you. It’s fucking hell without you.”

A single hot tear tracks its way down my cheek, my heart aching at the sadness in his voice. “I miss you too.”

“So, can I see you?”

“What if someone sees us together?”

“Nobody will. I have a suite at Excelsior. Room 925. Meet me there tomorrow.”

“I’m not sure I can get away.” I sniff back the tears threatening to escape. “I have work, and…” I stop short of telling him about West, Zeke, and Xander.

“Please. I’m only here for two days. I can’t come to New York and not see you, Lil.”

I close my eyes and will my heart to stop racing. It’s way too dangerous, but how do I refuse him? Especially after everything he’s done for me.

“Okay. I could probably get away from work for an hour around two. Does that work for you?”

“I’ll make sure it does. But I gotta run. Bye, Lil. Love you.”

“Love you too,” I whisper, but he’s already gone.

* * *

Julian Barnes,the editor ofGenevievemagazine, calls my name as I walk past his office. “You got a minute?”

Nervous excitement skitters up my spine. I spin on my heel and head inside, closing the door behind me. He’s leafing through a stack of papers, and as I step closer, I realize it’s the research for my article. My breath catches in my throat. My future at this magazine is literally in his hands. I mean, I know I’m sleeping with the new owners, but that isnothow I want to make a name for myself as a journalist.

“This is good,” he finally says, and I practically fall into the chair opposite his desk. “Real good stuff. You’ve been thorough.”

“I triple-checked all my facts. I just have a few more interviews to do, and then I think I’ll have it all wrapped up.”

“I’m thinking of putting it in the August issue. That work for you?”

That means my article will be out in July and will be published in the most purchased issue of the entire year. Hell yeah it works for me. Shifting in my seat, I fight to keep myself from jumping up, throwing my arms around his neck, and planting a noisy kiss right on his lips. “Sure.”

“Keep up the good work, Lily.”

I beam with pride. Julian is my hero. Youngest ever editor in chief of a major magazine, he started his career with hard-hitting but accessible pieces, and his work is incredible. He’s also super fair and supportive of all his staff. And although I’m not on the staff yet, just a freelancer, he’s been really supportive of me too.

His eyes narrow on my face, and I suddenly feel uncomfortable. “You know there’s a rumor you’re dating West Archer?”

I squirm in my chair. “Is that a problem? I mean I don’t discuss work with him, and I would never—”

“It’s not a problem for me.” He shrugs. “I don’t care who you date. Plus, I’m well aware that you could’ve asked your new boyfriend to make me put you in the magazine, but you didn’t. I respect that.”

He respects me. I smile so widely my cheeks hurt. “I’d never ask for a favor like that. I want my writing to speak for itself.”

“And it does. I just want you to know what people are saying before you head back into that viper’s nest out there. And if you do start working here permanently, you’ll need a thick skin if you’re dating the boss.”

The prospect of working at this magazine fills me with excitement. “I wouldn’t be dating the boss though, would I? More like my boss’s boss’s boss?”

He laughs loudly. “Remember that humor when I’m making you stick to insane deadlines.”

“It would be an honor to stick your insane deadlines, Julian. I really appreciate the opportunity you’re giving me.”

“You have talent, Lily. The honor will be all mine. Now get the hell out of here.” He nods toward the door.