“Then seems like we have plenty of time for a game of Never Have I Ever then?” Mikey gives a wicked grin and pours three shots of tequila.
“Okay, but this time you can only say things if you don’t know for certain one of the other people hasn’t done them,” I warn him and he laughs out loud. “Because last time I got so drunk I almost passed out and Conor had to carry me to bed—and not in the good way.”
“True, bro. Jessie passing out drunk before nine p.m. is not going to end well for any of us.”
“Is it my fault that our wife here is way more sexually adventurous than us?” Mikey replies.
“I am not,” I protest.
“Hmm,” Mikey murmurs as he runs a hand over his beard as though deep in thought. “Pretty sure you’re the only person in this room who needs four people to keep them satisfied, Red.”
“I do not…” I start to say but both Liam and him laugh so hard that I don’t bother protesting further. “Just don’t get me drunk, Mikey Ryan.”
“I won’t, Red. Promise.” He leans over the island and gives me a soft kiss on the lips. “I’ll even let you go first.”
I sit back, and my nose wrinkles as I try to come up with my first statement. “Never have I ever cheated on a partner,” I say with a smirk.
“Fuck,” Mikey grins and takes his shot.
“Dammit,” Liam groans as he does a shot straight after.
I stare at him, open-mouthed. “Liam Ryan!”
“What, baby? Mikey had a shot too.”
“Yes, but I kind of expect it from him,” I say making Mikey laugh again and Liam shake his head as he pretends to be offended.
Mikey is still laughing when their eldest brother, Shane walks into the room a moment later. Upon noticing the open bottle of tequila and shot glasses on the counter in front of us, he rolls his eyes. “You three need to pace yourselves. Especially you, sweetheart,” he says as he slips an arm around my waist and gives me a brief kiss on the cheek. Then he presses his hot mouth against my ear. “Because the only thing I want you passing out from, is me fucking you too hard.”
A shiver runs the length of my spine, but I don’t get a chance to respond before he turns his attention to Liam and Mikey. “And I’m not cleaning up your puke all night.”
“Yes, Dad,” Liam says with a roll of his eyes.
“Sure, Daddy,” I whisper. I intended it to sound all purring and seductive but instead I’m giggling like a naughty teenager.
Shane’s entire face darkens and he glares at me, running his tongue over his lip. The entire room crackles with tension. Without another word, he picks me up and hoists me over his shoulder. When I protest he smacks my ass—hard.
“Hey, we were kind of the middle of something and we’re going out in three hours,” Liam yells as Shane walks out of the room.
“I’ll be done with her in one. Two tops,” Shane replies.
Mikey makes a clicking sound before he adds. “New kink unlocked.” Both he and Liam burst into laughter while my head spins from hanging upside down.
“Can I walk to wherever you’re taking me?” I ask.
“No, because naughty little brats are carried,” he growls and smacks my ass again, making me squeal.
As he heads down the hallway I hear footsteps coming toward us.
“Babies are sound asleep,” Conor says after he’s just walked out of our children’s nursery. “Would take an earthquake to wake those two now.”
“Good, because I plan on making their mother scream this goddamn building down,” Shane says making his younger brother chuckle.
“Let me see her,” Conor says, and Shane turns sideways so Conor can talk to both of us. He cups my chin in his hand and arches an eyebrow. “Were you drinking tequila with the twins?”
“Well, I was going to, until I got forcibly removed from the kitchen.”
“So what did you do?”