Leonardo’s touch was feather light, as he brought her against him, hugging her to his chest, just holding her there, his chin resting on the top of her head, one hand stroking her spine softly.
She trembled against him.
And even though Cassidy had learned that she was her own saviour, her own strength, she allowed herself, just for a moment, to enjoy the feeling of safety that came from being held by Leonardo. She had loved him once, and a part of her always would. There was nothing he could do, it turned out, that would destroy that.
When she tilted her face upwards, her lips seeking his, she did so knowing that some boundaries could be relaxed, just for a while, and that she was still strong enough to survive. She’d be okay. She truly believed that now.
* * *
“What did you tell him?”
They sat side by side on Harry’s bench seat, watching Audrey chasing the ball around with feet that were imitating Leonardo’s unique skills without much success.
“I just wrote back that Audrey and I wouldn’t be partaking in a photoshoot.”
“And he said?”
“Nothing.” She frowned. It wasn’t like Grant to take a negative response and accept it.
“Were you hoping to hear from him?”
“God, no, but I would have expected to. He’s always called the shots in our relationship, and his political career and aspirations were sacrosanct. Whatever he felt he needed in order to win an election or impress his colleagues was up to Audrey and me to provide.” She spoke robotically, without emotion, but she felt the injustice of that keenly.
“You were often with him.”
She jerked her head around to his, a question in her eyes.
His smile was grim. “I googled him the other night.”
“Oh.” Her eyes fluttered shut a moment before she turned her attention back to the little girl. Had she been hoping he’d kept tabs on her like she had him? Then again, it was impossible not to know what Leonardo was up to, given the blanket news coverage of his successes.
She toyed with her fingers, inexplicably nervous. There was a tangle of knots in the pit of her stomach, and she didn’t have to think very hard to know why. “When do you leave?”
He shifted a little beside her. “Christmas night.”
She swallowed. Not even the day after Christmas.
“I prefer not to travel on a game day.”
“Right, of course.” She forced herself to flatten her hands against her thighs. “You know, I’m glad this happened.”
He nudged her lightly with his shoulder. “Me too.”
Her smile was wistful. “I’ve spent so long hating you, being angry with you. It’s nice not to feel that way anymore.”
“Cass,” he said, gently, clearing his throat. “I know what you said the other night, but I’d like to see you again. My leaving town doesn’t have to be the end of this.”
She began to fidget once more. Temptation spanned inside her chest, but she shook her head slowly, eyes determined as they focused on Audrey. “Yes, it does.”
“Why?” His voice was calm but she heard something in the depths of his tone that made her gut twist.
“Pick a reason,” she said, careful not to look at him. “I have a daughter who’s been through emotional hell. She is my number one priority, my sole focus. It’s going to be a long time before I’m prepared to let anyone into our bubble.” She sighed. “And I don’t hate you anymore, Leonardo, but that’s not the same thing as being able to trust you. I don’t think I could ever let myself care about you, and be vulnerable to going through what I did last time.”
“I wouldneverhurt you like that again, Cass.”
She flinched. It wasn’t Leonardo’s fault, but she’d heard that same line so many times from Grant.“I will never touch you again, baby. I will never do that again. You are my reason for living.”
“And let’s not forget, you told me you don’t have time for a relationship. There might have been a time when I was willing to play second fiddle to your career, but I have just gotten out of a marriage in which I was very much a second-class citizen, and I’m not going to do that ever again.”