“It’s my job,” he shrugged. “And I love it.”

She nodded, sitting down at the table. “How come you’re here? Aren’t their games on Christmas eve?”

“We’re playing Boxing Day.”

She blanched, and had to dig her nails into her palms to stave off any visible reaction. She’d known he’d be leaving soon, just notthatsoon.

“Are you?”

He nodded once, sitting opposite her. The table wasn’t large and their legs brushed beneath it.

“So you’re leaving?”

“Christmas night.”


The silence that surrounded them was heavy. “You and Audrey could come,” he said, slowly, lightly, like it didn’t really matter one way or another. “She’d love it.”

So would I.“We couldn’t.”

“Why not?”

Cassidy’s smile was brittle. She felt it on her face, felt it might almost crack her face. “Because it would be too confusing.”

“To go watch a friend of her grandpa’s play football?”

“You know that’s not what I mean.”

He reached across the table, laced his fingers with Cassidy’s. She stared down at them, her heart in her throat. “Why don’t you come?” He pushed. “You’ll enjoy it.”

“I can’t.”

“You’ve said that already.”

“And I mean it. That’s not what this is, Leonardo.”

“Leo,” he said, squeezing her hand.

She pulled hers away.

“I told you, I don’t want any complications. I don’t want any misunderstanding. This is just…sex. Casual, easy, fun, satisfying sex. Don’t make it weird by pushing for more.”

Frustration showed itself by the throbbing muscle in the base of his jaw.

“It’s a match. Not a marriage proposal.”

She flinched, dug her nails into her palms, tried to return their conversation to safer ground. “So shouldn’t you be training while you’re here?”

She thought he might refuse to allow the conversation change, but after a few moments, he reached for a spoon and began to heap food on his plate. “What do you think we’ve been doing?”

She smiled. “I’m your workout partner?”

“That’s one way to describe it.”

“I’m glad I could help.”

“Oh, you’ve helped.”