Page 6 of Save Her from Me

The brief, hot kiss floored me. Her mouth was fucking delightful.

Ariel gave a soft whimper… And lightning struck, my brain rebooted.

I let go of her and staggered back. “Shite, that was bad,” I mumbled.

A car took the corner fast and zoomed down the road, the engine loud despite the blood pounding in my ears.

“Ariel,” Raphael called through the open window. “Holy fucking hell. What happened? Where were ye?”

Ariel swung her attention to her brother, her hands going to her mouth. “What do you mean?”

“We’ve all been trying to find ye.”

“Why?” She peeked at me, her expression uncertain.

Her cheeks flamed red.

A burst of energy snapped tight in me, soaring off that inappropriate attraction, and now, at long last, aimed in the right direction. I found my words and addressed Ariel in the way I should’ve done the moment I came across her.

My informality fled, the strange behaviour behind me. She was unharmed. That was all that mattered.

“On my way bringing Leo home, I passed your car left abandoned on the road.”

She dipped her head. “I broke down on the way here. I still don’t understand the drama.”

That made sense to the state I’d seen it in on my first pass. Empty but not damaged.

“I came back to check on ye. In that short space of time, your Mini had been broken into and ransacked. I thought…”

I sensed the weight of Raphael’s stare on me.

My overreaction felt all the bigger now. If I’d just driven around, I would have found her and saved a lot of hassle. Even so, I didn’t regret it.

“Ransacked?” Ariel repeated.

Her concerned expression darkened, and she glanced around.

“Smashed up, too,” her brother said. “Get in. I’ll take ye back to collect your stuff, then we’ll talk it out at home.”

She nodded and climbed into his car.

He turned to me. “Jax, are ye with us?”

I shook my head, needing space. A minute to breathe. “I’ll drive myself back. Keep her out of sight.”

“See ye at the tower. Ben will join us there.”

Then they were gone, and I watched their taillights sail into the distance.

Left behind, I clamped my hands at the back of my head and let the emotions roll. Alive. Fucking hell. But all I could recall was that kiss.

It would never happen again, but God, that had felt good.

Chapter 4


Mournfully, from the passenger seat of my brother’s car, I stared at the bashed-in front of my Mini.