Page 44 of Save Her from Me

Already, I was running, dodging cameras and wires to vault the stage. Valentine did the same, calling out his warning. The audience gasped, someone screaming.

The item in the rogue fan’s hand flashed in the bright light. A knife.

Launching at him, I rugby tackled the guy. I landed hard, mostly on the murderous stranger, pinning him down, the weapon still in his hand.

He bucked at me. Freed his arm.

The blade curved at me.

Valentine scrambled down with us, landing on the man’s arm. “Don’t fucking move,” he snarled.

The knife clattered harmlessly to the floor.

I stared down at the man under my grip, his eyes wild and a strange keening sound coming from him.

He’d got within metres of stabbing Leo but failed.

Holy hell.

The next hour passed quickly.

Police attended and took the attacker away. The audience was ushered out, the interview over. We escorted Leo away under cover of both us and the full studio security team, and drove him to a waiting helicopter. Gabe was behind the controls, and we swapped a grim look.

He flew Leo and Gordain home while we retreated to the cars.

Ben sent Valentine away in the first, opting to have me as a passenger in his.

He got us on the road for the three-hour drive north and uttered my name after minutes of silence.

“Are ye okay?”

I shrugged. “I’m fine. Didn’t get hurt.”

Perhaps I was okay right now, but when the adrenaline wore off, I wasn’t so sure.

“I didn’t just mean physical injuries. It’s my responsibility to care about your mental and emotional health. What ye did was incredible, but I’m also aware of the parallels with your past. If ye need to talk about it—”

“I’ll find someone to do that with,” I finished for him.

“Raphael, perhaps.”

I shrugged again.

He gave it up, letting me keep my thoughts to myself.

My mind conjured Ariel. More specifically, all the things I’d imagined doing with her. A far better form of therapy than talking about the past would be losing myself in her body, in her list. I had energy to burn and a fuck ton of angst from memories I didn’t want creeping around the back of my mind.

My resolve not to touch her shook.

“What did I say about your instincts?” my boss asked, drawing me out of my thoughts.


“They’re superpowers. That’s shite I can’t teach. Don’t ever doubt yourself again.”

Chapter 14
