Page 36 of Save Her from Me

After several rings, a woman answered. “Hello?”

“Zara, it’s Daisy. Put Justin on the line,” Daisy demanded.

“You woke me for that? It’s my day off. Call him yourself.”

“I don’t have his number. Please just do it,” Daisy said.

There was grumbling followed by shuffling and eventually a knock. A male voice answered groggily. He swore and came on the line.

“It’s the middle of the fucking night,” he griped.

“Hello, Justin. You know, if you had a real job, you’d be in work by now.”

“Daisy? What do you want?”

“Remember we spoke about Landon recently?”

“I don’t remember yesterday, babe.”

“I need to find him. Can you help me?”

“What’s it worth?”

Daisy gritted her teeth. “Me not reporting you and Zara for subletting?”

There was a pause. “Bitch. Whatever. What do you want to know?”

“Have you seen him recently?”

“Not since you cut out on us. What’s the deal between you guys anyway? Are you chasing his dick?”

Daisy ignored his line of questioning. “Do you know what he does for a job?”

“We smoke together, never asked his life story.” Justin clicked a lighter and took a drag of something. “Except, couple months ago, we were coming out of Chick-fil-A’s when this black car pulled up. Windows too dark to see in the back. The door opened, and a meathead guy got out, and Landon just climbed on in without a word. Next time I saw him, it was days later, and he wouldn’t talk about it. Said it was just business.”

I swapped a glance with Ben. Landon had found himself in deep shit by the sound of things.

Daisy pursed her lips. “Do you remember anything else about the car?”

“Nah, babe.”

“Okay, what about a girlfriend?”

Justin gave a wheezing laugh. “I fucking knew it. Sorry to be the one to tell you, but I’m pretty sure he only gets it up for AI porn.”

I liked the sound of this guy less and less.

“There was no one special he ever mentioned? No girl’s name?”

“Jealousy looks bad on you. What the hell do you care about that skinny fuck anyway? You’d break him if you sat on his face.”

Ben scowled, his fists bunching.

“Can you answer the question?” Daisy said.

Justin gave a dramatic groan. “No… Oh, wait. Yeah, maybe. He has some chick’s name tattooed on him. April? No. Adriene? Something like that.”

“Do you remember exactly?” Daisy asked, her voice shaky.