Page 127 of Save Her from Me

Ariel gave a soft cry, and Jackson brought her into his arms, holding her close. They dropped to a sofa, my man looking wrecked.

A crowd of people filled the hallway and the entrance to the room, keeping clear so we could move, but all playing witness.

Finally, the two lovebirds were public. Drama much?

I turned back to Raphael who was still pinning down Larson. “Shall I get the cops, or are we burying him in the woods?”

Raphael shook his head. “I have no fucking idea. There’s no way to win this.”

Yeah, fuck that.

This man had messed with the wrong crew, and I was down for whatever it took to get rid of him.

I had a powerful right hook, a shovel, and zero conscience when it came to shite like this.

His sister spoke behind me. “There might be. But we’ll need his help.”

She pointed at the kidnapper.

Her brother scowled. “You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.”

“You heard what he said. If it’s not him, then someone else will come. Maybe someone worse. I need to end this.” She collected the handcuffs from the floor and handed them to Raphael. “Cuff him, then give me a second to work my idea through.”

While Ariel found a piece of paper and pen on a side table, Raphael constrained Larson, and I helped right the man so he was sitting against the wall, legs out, hands bound behind his back.

I stared him down. “Ugly fucker, aren’t ye? See what happens now the tables have flipped.”

He held my gaze. “What Ariel said is correct. I’m the least of their worries.”

A chill went through me.

Perhaps I was too used to military ways and zero subtlety, but Larson had kidnapped Jackson after trying for days to catch Ariel. Why weren’t they jumping to jail the arsehole?

The others who’d followed me in crowded the hall, muttering.

At Jackson’s side, Ariel began scribbling on the page.

I crouched in front of my colleague, turning his head to check on his injury. “Where does it hurt?”

“I’m fine.”

“Don’t be a fucking hero. What’s this?” I glanced over a bruise on his jaw.

“Fell on my face.”

“Any other injuries?”

“Tasered, twice,” he admitted. “The second one was aimed at my temple but hit my neck.”

“Shame. Could’ve reset your brain,” I answered, pressing lightly around the mark to check the blood pressure response.

He gave a weak laugh, letting me take his pulse and watch his breathing. My first-aid training was better than most, but I was no doctor.

“Is he okay?” Ariel asked.

He ran his arm around her. “Unbreakable.”

They shared a moment of eye contact, and she resumed her hurried scribbling.