Page 111 of Save Her from Me

Everyone knew, then.

I’d got so lost in Ariel, and in hating secrets, that I hadn’t thought about the implications of being with her. I needed to have that conversation with Ben. With Raphael.

But more, I needed to curl up around the woman I loved and fucking sleep.

* * *

The following morning, there were updates but no real news. The overnight patrol had passed undisturbed. No culprit had been discovered.

In a car borrowed from Callum, and with an escort of two, Ariel and I headed over to the hangar.

Today, we were going to catch a stalker.

Chapter 31


An icy blast swept across the front of the aircraft hangar. I huddled in the thick jumper I’d borrowed from Mathilda and hurried, Jackson’s hand clamped firmly around mine.

In the depths of the building, Valentine strode from the bunkhouse, pulling a long-sleeved tactical shirt over his head, his hair damp like he’d just got out of the shower.

He lifted his chin at us. “Jax. Foxy. Good to see ye both still breathing.”

Jackson grumbled at him, and Valentine grinned.

We entered the bodyguard office, Ben and Daisy already waiting along with a couple of members of the mountain rescue team. My friend leapt up and hugged me, and we curled on the sofa together.

Jackson didn’t sit. He’d dropped my hand outside the room and now stood in front of a large screen on the wall, a map of the area displayed.

Ben cleared his throat. “In the room, Jackson, Ariel, Valentine, Daisy, Lochinvar, Cameron, me. On the line, Gordain and Raphael. Gentlemen, can ye hear me?”

“Loud and clear,” Gordain announced over the open phone line.

“Roger that,” my brother confirmed. “Ariel, are ye okay?”

I shook my head, not that he could see. We’d messaged each other last night, so he was up to speed. “No. I’m furious.”

To my horror, my voice broke. I hadn’t wanted to get emotional, but I’d reached my limit. It was one thing hiding out, but at least I’d felt safe in my tower and no one else had been in danger apart from me. Larson had upped the stakes.

I forced back rising fear and gritted my teeth. “He exploded Jackson’s car. I’m out for blood.”

Ben held my gaze. “You’ll have it. Or at least a non-lethal version of it. The objective of the day is to lure Larson out of hiding and bring him in. I had a conversation with the police about this last night and told them my intention. They’ll either be here, or they won’t. They’re understaffed, and I’d rather get this over with now. Everyone in agreement?”

We all nodded or voiced accordance, and my heart pounded.

This was happening. We’d catch him. I couldn’t wait to get out there.

Ben left his desk and went to the map, pointing out locations as he spoke. “The plan is to use the trackers Larson hid to lead him to a new location. Ariel’s Mini will be driven from the mechanic’s, through the lanes, and out to a cabin west of here. Prior to that, the rest of us will get into position in the hills surrounding. The cabin is rigged for sound and video. Once in place, we sit and wait.”

I wrinkled my nose. “Assuming he can’t resist following me.”

Ben inclined his head. “Larson isn’t likely to set up a tail. He’ll wait to see where ye go and bide his time. I’m not expecting this to be over quickly.”

Jackson snorted. “And ye won’t be going anywhere.”

I blinked at him. “What are you talking about?”

“You’re staying here, in the middle of the hangar, with people around ye at all times. The mountain rescue team will be operating training from the command centre, and you’ll be in plain sight of them and under their care for as long as this takes.” Jackson gestured at the mountain rescue crew members present. “Cameron previously worked as a bodyguard, so he knows the protocol better than anyone. Lochinvar saves people on a daily basis. Plus there’s a full crew at the pilot school today. There’s no way anyone can come for ye here, and Daisy will keep ye company. You’re in safe hands.”