Page 41 of Through the Fire

The kids step up and wrap their arms on the edge of the cart and I push us out of the line. As I pass by Angela I mumble, “fucking bitch.”

I fume all the way home and can barely muster a “mhm,” or “we’ll see” when the kids ask a question. I pull into the garage and usher the three of them inside before returning to get the grocery bags.

I unload each bag and feel my rage spiral into pain. Tossing the frozen items into the freezer, I stomp off to my bedroom and pull out my phone and stab out a text.

Me: D-I really need to get away tonight. I’ll tell you later but I can’t face Roman. You free?

Her response is quick.

Dani: Yes. I’ll pick you up at eight. Are we doing a wine and cry night or laugh and dance night?

Me: Laugh and dance. I can’t shed another tear.

Dani: Ok, babe. See you later.


I walk into my closet and pick out something to wear. I find a bag and stick my clothes and shoes inside. I add my makeup so that I can get ready at Dani’s. I don’t want Roman to see what I’m wearing tonight.

I go back downstairs and set my bag down by the front door. Roman always comes in from the garage, so he won’t see my bag until I’m walking out the door.

At seven o’clock my phone buzzes with a text notification.

Rome: leaving the office. Any plans for tonight?

I clench my jaw and force myself to reply as if nothing is wrong.

Me: Freezer Friday. I already got stuff and the kids are excited.

Rome: perfect. That’s just what I need after this week. See you soon. I love you.

I don’t want to tell him the same but I have to unless I want him to be suspicious. If he suspects I’m upset, he’ll call to talk and I won’t be able to hide the truth in my voice.

Me: love you, too.

I shove the phone in my back pocket and go about prepping tonight’s dinner. Oven preheating, air fryer on the counter and paper plates stacked on the island next to napkins and utensils.

I’m on autopilot going through the motions. The kids' laughter is like white noise and I hear nothing else but the thoughts racing through my mind.

At seven forty, I hear the garage door rolling open and steel myself to face him. I’ll wait until Dani texts me that she’s outside to tell him I’m going out.

The sound of the door closing snaps the kids' attention from what they’re doing and they shout, “daddy!” and run to him with outstretched arms.

“Monsters!” He calls out in return.

Hugs and kisses are exchanged before he walks over to me.

“Hi, baby. How was your day?” He leans down and kisses my lips hard.

I close my eyes and kiss him back while trying to keep my breath steady. He groans into my mouth and I detach myself from him slowly.

“It was…good,” I reply.

His arms circle my waist and he holds me close to him.

“I missed you. It was a helluva day and I amsoglad to be home.” He kisses my forehead then crook his neck to check out what food I’m serving tonight. “That’s quite the spread,” he says when he spots all of the empty boxes laid out.

“Yup. It’s a Hart kids special.” I squeeze his arms and step out of his hold, turning to check on the food. “It should all be done in a minute. Why don’t you go change.”