“I’m not using this,” She scrunches her eyes closed as she says it. When we say nothing for long moments, she peeks out and looks between us. “It’s made of wood. I can’t use this!”

“Why not?” I ask as I take the carving from her. I run my fingers over it, ensuring there is not a rough spot on the whole thing.

“I’ll get a splinter, and then it’ll get infected, and my whole vagina will die.” Kendra flails her arms around as she says it.

Erkoz eyes the gift in my hands. “What is your vagina?”

“Oh my god,” Kendra groans and covers her face as more blush creeps into her cheeks. “My pussy, you pervert.”

Erkoz huffs and takes the gift from me. “I do not know what a pervert is either, but I feel it is not good.” He walks out of the workshop, the gift still in his hands as he walks toward the great hall.

Kendra wastes no time chasing after him and then launching her tiny body at his to try to wrangle the gift out of his hands. “Give me back my dildo!”

“No,” Erkoz hisses. “My mate does not like her gift, so we will burn it.”

“No, you will not!” She jumps onto his back and digs her small hands into his arm as she tries to reach over his shoulder to get at the present. I keep up with them but keep my distance because I enjoy watching my mate climb on Erkoz and try to overpower him. “That is mine, and you’ll give it back!”

“No,” Erkoz says simply as he holds it away from her. She cannot reach it, even if she stretches as far as she can. “Why do you even want it if you will not use it?”

“Erkoz, this is a fucking work of art!” She says with sincerity. At first, I think I have not heard her correctly, but even Erkoz has stopped moving and is trying to look at our mate to make sure he understands what she is saying.

“It is meant to go inside you,” He cocks his head to the side. “How can it be art?”

“Well, it’s not going inside me, but I’ve decided I want a whole collection of them.” Kendra wiggles her eyebrows at us and smiles. “All the females will be jealous of my collection of demon dildos.”

“You want us to create more of these?” I ask as I take the cock from Erkoz’s hand. “Like the same? I do not see why you need more of the same if you will not use it.”

“No,” Kendra falls off Erkoz’s back and stands between us. “I want all different sizes and colors. I had a collection on Earth, and now that I have the best mates in the entire tribe, I want to have a collection here, too.”

“Oh,” Erkoz rubs his horn and looks over at me. “Well, if that is how our mate feels, of course, we will make her more.”

I toss the cock back to our mate, who smiles and holds the gift like she genuinely cherishes it. We are disappointed because we will not see our mate stretch herself on it, but we will continue to make them until one is good enough for her to use on herself. Kendra wraps an arm around Erkoz’s waist before placing her lips on his covered chest. He kneels next to her so she can place another on his lips, and then I’m kneeling and pulling her over to me so I can shove my tongue down her throat for a moment.

“We will make you so many cocks,” I say cheerily as she takes deep breaths.

“I need to show this to Diane.” Kendra laughs as she starts to run back toward the great hall. “She is going to love this!”

“We have made our mate happy then,” I say as I watch Kendra run away from us. Joy radiates off of her, and I am so grateful we are the ones who made her feel that way.

Erkoz claps my shoulder and follows behind our mate back to the great hall. “We have been blessed, brother.”

“Just need to get her to grow with our young now,” I smile. My heart swells even just thinking about having a babe with Kendra. “Then we will have everything we could have ever wanted.”


Wehadtoboardup all the windows in the great hall and the currently occupied houses. The elders say a storm is coming, and we do not believe them even though we do as they ask. Now that the rain has started and the clouds are rumbling, we are happy we listened.

My mate is antsy as we wait. We have not been waiting long for the next female, but Ralleth’s female said she wanted to speak with us before she got here, so I think that is weighing on my mate’s mind.

Kendra has been worried about how she can act when the new human comes. She does not touch mated males, and I know she wants to know who the newest human will mate, so she knows not to touch him anymore. Until we know, though, she has decided she is stuck with only Xoth and me. Not that we mind one bit, but it is disappointing we cannot toss her at a brother and tell him to keep her entertained while we do other things.

“Hey,” Olivia, Ralleth’s creature, says when she approaches us. She is looking at our mate, who is smiling brightly at her, but Olivia seems uncertain and awkward. “Thanks for meeting with us.”

Ralleth plops down in a chair across from me and pulls Olivia into his lap. “My creature wants to speak to your mate about not touching the brothers.”

Olivia covers her face with her hand as she tries to wipe away the frown on her face. “I told you to let me do the talking, Ralleth.”

“You looked like you were struggling,” Ralleth says as he taps his fingers on the table. “I am only helping by getting the worst of it out of the way. You were worried about saying something, and now you no longer need to be worried.”