The brothers in the dining room stop moving around and look at me to see what I will say to my mate. They should all be apologizing to her as well. She is right that not one of us did anything for her arrival, and that was cruel of us.

“I am sorry,” I kneel on the ground, leveling my eyes with my mate so she knows I am trying to be close to her right now. “It was not kind of us not to celebrate your arrival. I can make excuses, but none will be good enough. The goddess blessed Erkoz and I with the most amazing human, and we did not celebrate her as we should have. I do not know if I can make it up to you, but your Xoth would love to try.”

“I thought we were done decorating after Almaac’s mate came to us all broken and bruised,” Erkoz shrugs but wraps an arm around our mate. “I would have decorated for you if I had known it was something we were still doing.”

“You both suck,” Kendra huffs but wraps her arms around Erkoz and squeezes him softly.

“You are the one who sucks, sweet human,” Erkoz says loud enough for me to hear, which means other brothers have as well. Kendra’s pink cheeks mean she is aware of this, but she doesn’t push him away or say anything with a sharp tone. “We have a gift for you.”

“We are giving it to her now?” I ask as I rise back up to my feet.

The other males have all returned to what they were doing before Kendra was upset. I am sure they all feel bad for not doing anything for her, especially since she has been so kind as to give them all attention if they want it. Dath is still watching us, a frown prominent on his face as he watches Erkoz cup our mate’s face. He sighs before nodding to himself like he has decided on something. I am curious about what he’s thinking, but I am more interested in giving my mate the gift we have been working on for the past few days.

“It is probably finished drying now,” Erkoz says. “I do not see why we should wait any longer.”

Kendra narrows her eyes between us like she knows we are up to something. We are, of course, but not in the way that she thinks. If anything, this gift will be for all of us because we very much want to see her use it.

“Fine,” Kendra grabs Erkoz’s hand and then takes mine in her other. “Show me the gift, and I’ll tell you if you’re forgiven.”

“Oh, you will most definitely forgive us,” I say as I tug her against me.

Erkoz releases her hand so I can scoop our mate into my arms and carry her to our workshop. Getting around with our mate in my arms is much quicker since her small legs mean she takes much smaller strides. Usually, I would have no issue with walking slowly with her, but I am excited for her to see her gift.

We move quickly through the tribe, not even stopping when a brother asks us where we are going. We have no time for that because we want to be alone with our mate now.

We pass many brothers who have begun boarding windows since an elder told Ralleth that a storm is coming. I do not know if I believe a storm is coming this early since we still have many days before the storms begin. If an elder has told Ralleth this, it must be true, but still, it is hard to believe. We will help our brothers with boarding up windows and decorating for the next female as soon as we have given our mate her gift.

“Close your eyes,” Erkoz says to our mate as we enter the workshop. “I will get your gift, but you must close your eyes because it is a surprise.”

I set Kendra on the ground and turn her to face me to see if she is closing her eyes. She is not. She wouldn’t be our mate if things were that easy. I kneel next to her and pinch her cheeks until they puff out. She always stares at us like we are doing her a great injustice when we hold her like this, but it is too much fun.

“Will you close your eyes?” I ask to distract her. Erkoz is already going to grab her gift and will be back soon, anyway. She really does not need to close her eyes as long as she stays focused on me.

“No.” Is the closest thing the sound out of her mouth sounds like. It is what I expect, so it is no surprise to hear it. I simply shake my head, knowing that my mate loves to test my patience. She can test and test and test because I have endless amounts when it comes to her. And she knows that the more defiant she is, the more likely I will not allow her to release when I take her to bed tonight.

“You will be cruel to us while we are trying to give you a gift?”

Kendra nods her head, a look of amusement sparkling in her eyes.

“Thankfully, I am quick,” Erkoz says when he returns behind her. Kendra tries to look behind her to see the gift we have created for her, but I have a firm grip on her cheeks. Erkoz grabs the back of her neck and tugs her hair softly so she is craning backward and looking up at him. “Our mate will tell us if she does not like it.”

Kendra makes another sound we do not understand since she is pulled back and her cheeks are still smashed together. We assume it is her agreeing. She has always been honest with us, more than honest, really. If she thinks for even a second that she can embarrass us, she will take it. So, if she hates her gift, it will be what she tells everyone. My stomach churns at the thought of her not liking the gift. I didn’t even consider that until this moment.

Erkoz must see my panic because he is turning my mate around before she can see the worry in my eyes. After all, she will use it against us. I take a deep breath and hold it as Erkoz pulls the gift out from behind his back and hands it to our mate. She is quiet at first, and when I look down, I can see her cheeks are bright red, and she is smiling so big I do not think it will ever leave.

“You made this for me?” She asks as she takes the gift from Erkoz’s hands. “You made me a wooden alien dildo?”

“No, it is a wooden cock, and we both worked on it.” Erkoz shrugs. “Some days, I would carve it when I could get away. On other days, Xoth would. Xoth coated it in the finish this morning, though.”

Kendra nods repeatedly as she tilts the gift back and forth in her hands. One wraps around it and strokes the length of it a few times. My beating is pounding so hard in my chest, waiting for Kendra to say something, anything about how she feels about her gift. Preferably, she will tell us she loves it and will use it for us right this instant.

“Well?” I ask. I nudge her shoulder softly, and she turns to face me with her bright smile. “Do you like your gift?”

“I love it,” She says with a giggle. “But…”

Erkoz and I both lose our smiles as soon as she says but. We do not want there to be a but. We want there to be an ‘Oh, thank you so much. Let me use this for my mates and make them the happiest males.’

“But what?” Erkoz prompts her when she is silent for too long.