He brushed his hands appreciatively over her buttocks. Most of the heat had gone now, but a strong squeeze reignited the sting and made Natalie gasp.
“My god, you have a gorgeous ass,” Jared growled, his hands still on her. “There are so many things I want to do to it. But first things first. Do you engage in anal sex?”
The gruffness of his words sent a shiver through her, and she had to grit her teeth to get herself under control. “I understand all the principles. But I’ve never had the opportunity to explore it very much. I’m not against the idea, though,” she told him truthfully, hoping her lack of practical expertise didn’t put him off. She knew better than to embellish on her experience though. It would either be enough, or it wouldn’t.
Natalie screwed her eyes closed as she waited for his response, which seemed to take forever.
She desperately wanted it to be enough. But the truth was, in comparison to this man and everything he knew, Natalie really was a neophyte. Not because she didn’t understand the concepts, but because he had so many more years of practice than she did. This was one area where her youth worked against her.
“Then consider this the start of your training,” Jared finally replied, and Natalie’s pulse galloped, even while her shoulders sagged with relief.
“I’m going to plug you. But don’t worry, we’ll start small, and I’ll prepare you first.”
He held up the silver plug, which looked remarkably like the ones that the chandelier down in the great hall were made of, but she didn’t dare voice the quip about Margo and Tobias buying in bulk. Not when her butt was at his mercy.
It also didn’t look that small!
But… she trusted him. And she trusted his years of experience. You didn’t get to become a dungeon master without some serious knowledge.
Jared didn’t waste any time. Natalie heard the snick of a lid, then the distinctive slurp of a squeezy bottle.
A moment later, she jerked a little as she felt the coldness of lube running down the crack of her ass, icy against the residual heat of her spanking.
Then Jared’s fingers were there, first rubbing around her crinkled rosette before pressing gently to test her resistance.
“Relax as much as you can,” he instructed.
Natalie knew the theory, but in practice it really was a lot easier said than done.
A sharp slap on her upturned rump made her jump and squeal, and Jared used the diversion to slip a thick finger knuckle deep into her forbidden hole.
Her breath stuttered in and out as Natalie tried to absorb the sensation. It wasn’t unpleasant, although there was that small kernel of embarrassment that came from knowing just where he had his hand. But Natalie had long since managed to overcome most of those kinds of feelings.
There was a dark pleasure in what he was doing, and it lit up nerve endings Natalie never knew she had.
Jared drew his finger carefully in and out until everything eased, then one finger was replaced by two.
That was a little more uncomfortable and Natalie wiggled against the stretch and pressure that had initiated a deep burning sensation.
Another slap settled her.
“Be still!” Jared ordered. “I don’t want you getting hurt by jumping around all over the place.”
He started to scissor his fingers to open her up, and Natalie concentrated on her breathing in order to avoid clenching like she wanted to. She knew that would only make things worse.
Then his fingers were gone, and, perversely, she felt their loss. It was short lived though, as the cold, slick head of the butt plug took their place.
“Ngghh!” Natalie couldn’t help the groan that was pulled from her throat as her sphincter widened to accept the toy.
“It will be easier after this,” Jared soothed, stroking his free hand down her back. “The first time is always the worst.”
His touch comforted her, and a moment later, the plug narrowed and settled inside her. Natalie’s relief was short lived, however, when Jared flipped her onto her back again and the pressure of the mattress against the plug had her squirming again.
This time, it was Jared’s mouth at Natalie’s breast that distracted her. He leaned forward and captured one of the pebbled peaks in his mouth, his fingers unerringly finding the other and plucking at it. The twin onslaught had Natalie gasping again as the strong pulls arrowed directly from her nipples to her clitoris like they were attached by a live wire.
Her body arched off of the bed and a cry was torn from her lips. The sensation was so extreme, Natalie thought she might climax from that alone. But before she could immerse herself any further, Jared sat back, much to her disappointment.
He wasn’t done though. A pair of nipple clamps dangled from his fingers, and she had a moment to object before he attached them. Not that she was ever going to, she’d already given him carte blanche to do as he pleased, but it was sweet that he kept checking, regardless.