Page 7 of Forces of Nature

Nothing could be further from the truth.

In fact, Natalie embraced life and every encounter and opportunity that was thrown her way. She wanted to experience it all and did so with open arms and an open mind.

Jared inclined his head. “Since this is a demonstration, we’ll use the traffic light system. Are you familiar with that?”

Natalie nodded. “Green for go, amber for slow down, red for stop,” she quoted.

Jared nodded his understanding but pursed his lips and addressed the small group as much as he did her with his next words. “Okay, here is an important point to remember. I’m sure you can tell from her accent that Natalie is British, and sometimes there are small, but important differences even in the basic tenets of the lifestyle.”

There was the sound of shuffling and a murmur of assent from the spectators.

“Here in the US, we tend to use yellow instead of amber, but also there is a subtle nuance that it’s worth being aware of whether you use amber or yellow; and that’s how you approach it. To some, like Natalie just described, it might mean ‘slow down’, dial back the intensity etcetera. But to others, that signal might also mean take a break to discuss the issue, so ensure, during the negotiations, that both parties are clear on that point.” He looked around the people who were sharing whispered comments with their partners or those sitting next to them with satisfaction. This was the whole point of demonstrations. To impart small pieces of knowledge and show how they might differ from person to person, so nothing was taken for granted. He gave them a few minutes to absorb all that before continuing. “Luckily, for these purposes, green and especially red are truly international.”

He faced Natalie and gave her his full attention for his last question. “And finally, do you require aftercare?”

There was a buzz throughout the audience as soon as the words were out of his mouth, and Natalie could see he was torn between focusing on her answer and addressing it.

“Would you like to respond to that?” Natalie asked quietly, giving her permission for him to redirect his focus. This was a demonstration after all. Its function was to both engage and educate.

“Thank you,” he murmured, his tone one of quiet appreciation, before he turned to the crowd.

“I can tell many of you are confused about that last question. Perhaps we should discuss that before we proceed.”

“Aftercare is an integral part of the scene,” a male voice called out. “Something that should always be given.”

There was a murmur of general assent throughout the crowd.

“Certainly, it should always be offered,” Jared replied, calmly. “But the whole point of negotiation is to find out what your submissive wants. Not what you think he or she should have.”

The buzz of conversation grew louder, and Jared raised his hand to quiet it. “As dominants, we don’t assume that our partners want intercourse, we ask. We don’t assume they want to be restrained; we ask… why would we assume they want aftercare? That is as much their choice as every other aspect of negotiation. Why wouldn’t it be?”

There was a stark silence as those seated considered the truth of his words. Because they were indeed true. No aspect of the scene was beyond negotiation, beyond choice. Not even aftercare.

Then a very much more timid, female voice, cut through the quiet. “I prefer not to have aftercare.”

For a moment it seemed the faceless voice, hidden by the dark, wasn't going to continue, but after a beat or two she did. “At the end of a scene, I prefer to have some quiet time to relive the experience and let it settle. I don’t want to have someone coddling and fussing and talking in my ear. I just want to be left alone to absorb it all.”

Natalie listened carefully, fairly sure the voice belonged to one of the singletons who had been at dinner; a girl called Nancy.

“Thank you.” Jared’s mouth kicked up at one side in a hint of a smile as he inclined his head in the general direction the voice had come from. Then he turned back to the audience at large. “And that is exactly why we ask. Just like every other aspect of the lifestyle, aftercare is a choice. And that choice belongs to the submissive, not the dominant.”

“Now, pet…” He returned his focus to Natalie, and she felt it like it was a physical thing. Damn this man was potent. “How do you feel about it, and what do you require?”

“I would like to have aftercare,” Natalie said carefully. “I find I’m sometimes a little spaced out after a scene, and need that time to regain my equilibrium, so my preference is for someone to take care of me and help me with that.”

“Very good. Then we’ll start. Please strip.”


Jared watched the sprite eyed, effervescent girl in front of him as she removed her clothes without the slightest shred of self-consciousness, clearly equally at ease naked as she was clothed.

He’d underestimated her. Jared suspected a lot of people did the same, and she was aware enough to know it. Maybe she even reveled in it. He had a feeling that she enjoyed the shock value of that obvious dichotomy.

Natalie Moore was a pretty girl, bright and bubbly with a headful of bouncy light brown curls and a demeanor that could only be described as ‘wholesome.’ She had that virtuous ‘girl next door’ quality to her and looked younger than the twenty-three years he knew her to be.

God, had he ever been that young?

His gut tightened in anticipation. It had been a long time since he’d felt quite so invested in a scene. The fact that this slip of a girl, a good dozen or so years his junior, was the submissive to do that was a surprise even to him. He generally gravitated to composed, more mature women. Women with the same kind of vibe as him and his encounters were always very… dignified.