Page 22 of Forces of Nature

Something you love.

Natalie stopped in her tracks and blinked when she read that, and suddenly all she could think about was Jared.

“Are you behaving, baby girl?” Natalie looked up and there he was, leaning against the doorframe, as if thinking about him had conjured him up.

“I’m being extremely good,” she said primly, then ruined the effect by snickering. “But I need to take your picture as one of my scavenger hunt clues.”

Jared raised a single, skeptical eyebrow, but he humored her, at least.

Natalie doubted she’d actually present the photograph as one of her answers, but at least now, whatever the future held, she’d have at least one photo to remember him by.


It was a couple of hours later that Natalie clapped her hands together with glee when her game was finally picked, but it wasn’t without a few issues.

“Why do we have to put our names into a hat?” Peyton asked with a frown. “Can’t we just do it in couples?”

“I agree.” Jasmine backed her up. “I don’t want to be sniffing around somebody else’s groin.”

“And I wouldn’t want you to do that either,” her husband replied, with a shake of his glorious mane of hair.

“But we don’t all have partners,” Natalie pointed out, reasonably, waving towards the singletons that were among them.

“I don’t really think that’s a problem, since they’ve all partnered up already.” This from Declan, who seemed more than happy to be glued to Peyton’s side, so maybe he wasn’t a philanderer after all.

There was a chorus of agreement from the four guests who had arrived separately but had quickly paired off.

“Okay, so we’re agreed by majority vote then,” Margo said decisively as she turned to collect the props for the game.

“Absolutely not!”

Natalie grinned. She’d known if she stayed quiet that Nathan would have this argument for her.

“There is no way on God’s green earth that I am having my sister’s nose and mouth that close to my junk,” he objected, his head shaking continuously from side to side in nothing short of horror. “We might have shared a womb, but that was the last time she was anywhere near my Crown Jewels, and I’m happy to keep it that way!” His very proper British accent became more pronounced as he spoke.

There was a general titter of laughter as people realized the implication, and Margo’s cheeks heated adorably as she got flustered all over again.

It was kind of very charming, the way she fussed and worried about her guests, but she really did need to chill a little.

It was Jared who came to her rescue. “I’m sure Jessie and I can help out,” he suggested in that growly voice of his that told Natalie that he too probably hadn’t been too happy about Natalie playing this game with a different partner.

The knowledge made her preen almost as much as it sent a thrill chasing down her spine.

The receptionist who’d mistaken them as a married couple gave a small nod of agreement, even though she seemed to be looking anywhere other than at Nathan, and Natalie suspected that the girl definitely had the hots for her brother, if Jessie’s pink cheeks and hopeful eyes were any indication.

Margo’s shoulders wilted in relief, and she hurried out of the room, returning a few minutes later with a bowl of eggs.

“Okay, so the object of this game is for one party to thread the egg up their partner's trouser leg, and down the other side, without breaking it. But their hands must be tied behind their backs, so they just use their head to maneuver the egg.”

There was some murmuring and a couple of outright laughs at the prospect, but everyone accepted the game jovially enough.

Margot had provided a variety of bondage options, from rough hemp rope to blue fluffy handcuffs, to silk scarves and ties, and securing their submissive’s wrists while they were on their knees seemed to be one of the highlights of the evening, so far.

Jared chose the rope, and Natalie knew, as the coarse, scratchy cord rubbed at her delicate skin, that she was in trouble for her earlier impudence. Her pussy clenched deliciously at the thought of what punishment might be waiting for her.

“There, perhaps that will keep you out of trouble for a while,” he growled when he was done.

Tobias had set out the sturdy wooden chairs from the dining room that they’d used for Nancy’s game choice of musical chairs, and the players took their positions standing on them. Not just the guys, as was tradition, Natalie noticed; some of the girls wearing pants had elected to be the receivers. And there were some good-natured complaints about how cold the eggs were.