Page 113 of The Woman on the Jury

“I know you can, but you don’t have to,” I said, wondering if this was it. If this was finally the end of a lifelong battle between the two of us.

Suddenly, I wanted that to be the case.

I found myself craving things I’d never wanted before.




It didn’t take someone really in touch with their feelings to know that it was all because of Halle.

“So, does this mean… I’m free to move around as I please?” Halle asked as the news went to the weather forecast.

“With a guard,” I qualified. “Maybe two,” I added, getting an eye roll out of her. “Just for the time being. Why? Where did you want to go?”

“Buy some bras,” she said, getting a snort out of Miko.

“In that case, no, you’re on lockdown still.”

“Hey, I’ve already proven that I can outsmart your guards,” she reminded me.

“Maybe. But not Miko,” I said, smirking when she shot me small eyes at that, knowing he was no fool.

“Damn you,” she grumbled. “Fine. I just want to go to the shop today then,” she said.

“Think that will work,” I said. “Miko and one more guard, just out of an abundance of caution,” I told her.

“Okay. That’s totally fine,” she said, sounding excited to get back to work.

As much as some part of me really liked the idea of her just in the penthouse all day, waiting for me, I knew that was not something I could ask or expect of her. She had a life. Besides, she would likely be a lot more understanding of my taxing work schedule if she had her own life going for her. Her own interests and passions.

“Dinner later,” I said.

“Yes,” she agreed. Then, in a voice that only I could hear. “Then an early bedtime,” she said.

“Abso-fucking-lutely,” I agreed. “Alright. You and Miko can have the breakfast I ordered. Silvano and I are gonna get going after I throw some clothes on.”

By the time I came down, Miko and Sil were on the other side of the island from Halle, picking at the food, talking easily.

I liked that.

How easily she got on with my people.

These men that I hoped she would start to see as her people.

“Ready?” Silvano asked as I came down.

“Yep,” I agreed, but stopping to haul Halle against me, pressing my lips to hers, hard but shorter than either of us would have liked, given how she melted into me. “Dinner,” I repeated.

“I’ll be here,” she agreed, giving me a smile.

Yeah, she would.

And, what’s more, I was really fucking looking forward to it.