“Thank you!” I said, beaming up at him. “Oh fuck!” I laughed, looking at our chests smeared with our hug.
“Not our phoenix!” he joked as I smeared the blue and green paint across his chest before running back to the couch for more color. He chased me, hauling me back by the waist to sit beside him before I could reach the coffee table. “Hey, now!”
I couldn’t stop giggling as he gathered more red pain on his brush, almost making it gloppy before splattering it on my tummy with a smirk. “You’re making a mess!” I exclaimed.
His free hand traced my inner thighs by my knees, roaming up. “I think you like it messy,” he said with a sexy squint.
I opened my legs a little more. “Maybe I do.”
He struggled over whether to look down or in my eyes. “I have to get it wet first,” he said, delving his clean hand into my center, sweeping up and down my pussy lips, inciting a moan with each swipe against my clit.
My legs opened further as I leaned on my elbows, tilting my body for more. “Oh my goodness, you’re so nasty,” I said with another giggle before he brought his dripping fingers up and smeared them across my tits along with the crimson paint. I gasped, staring at the mess as he circled his fingers with a mischievous hum.
Without thinking, I pulled his head to me, motorboating him with the mess, painting his cheeks and nose. Carson let out an evil chuckle and held me closer in a hug, rubbing his body all over mine in an all-out wrestling match. I went for a brush on the table, reaching to paint his ass cheek in my struggle.
He yelped when the brush got too close for comfort, rolling off me and triggering a thunderous howl from Kiszka. “You did not just try to paint my nuts, woman!” he shouted over the clamor.
“You got my tits, it’s only fair!” I yelled, streaking across his hip bone, almost hitting my target. He seized my wrist and distracted me with a kiss, getting my face dirty. With my free hand, I sneakily rubbed the wet paint on my chest and smacked his ass, causing Kiszka to howl even more.
While he turned to shush his dog, I bolted, trying to make it to the bathroom. Before I could reach safety, Carson came behind me, pushing me to the wall as we laughed.
But our playful chase quickly turned carnal as our bodies moved together. I arched my back, pushing my bum against his groin as he ground into me, his large arms caging either side of me. My entire body buzzed as his tall, dense form covered me, pinning me to the wall. The heat of his breath on my neck, the rumbling groan of his chest, the bristling of his body hair, and the length of his dick hardening. All of it swallowed me up in lust.
“I will always chase you,magissa.”
“Yes,” I hissed, arching my back even more, inviting him in.
“Go on.”
I whimpered, “Less talking, more tossing.”
And with that, Carson pulled back and slung me over his shoulder like a sack of soil. Both of us eyeing the reddish tits-and-tummy outline now stamped on his wall.
“Now that’s some fucking art!” he said before booking it up the log stairs.
Over his shoulder, I caught Kizzy grousing while pacing back and forth. I gave him a sassy little wave, prompting him to snuff and trot off.
We lounged in his hammock the next day by the lake, watching the sunset. I was content on his chest, listening to his steady heartbeat. His frame was wide and solid, and his chest hair smelledintoxicating. I unbuttoned his shirt to have access to it. It was like catnip for a cat. One sniff and I was all mush.
His hands skimmed up and down my arms. The rhythm and constant touch lulled me into a daze. He picked up my left hand and kissed every tattoo on each knuckle. I couldn’t help but smile. He loved kissing my tattoos. He then kissed my head and said my name to get my attention.
I pulled up from his chest, looking into hisgorgeouseyes framed with those unfairly long boy eyelashes. The sunset cast a warm glow on his handsome face. “Yes, baby?” I asked.
It jolted me for a moment before my entire body hummed. I smiled,“Iloveyou.”
A peaceful smile spread across his face before he pulled me in for akiss. That was the first time he had ever said it. I had known for a while and knew he did, too. I washappyhe finally went there.
He broke thekiss, clutching me closer, his hand cupping my face.“I do. Iloveyou so much it scares me.”
“I feel the same way.”
I watched as his lips pulled into another smile before laying back down on his chest. Loaded silence filled the space between us. Carson was rarely quiet around me, but when he was, I knew it was because he experienced the same overwhelm that surged through me.
“Can I show you something?”his chest rumbled.
“Anything,”I said, freeing myself from the hammock gracefully.