Page 83 of Feverburn

In unison, we tilted our chins down and said,“Pussy!”in an overly deep voice. It was one of our inside jokes.

Sobering from laughter, I added,“Speaking of sex, the magicfor the blessing wouldbe more potent if we had nothing between us.”

“When you say that, do you mean…”he tucked his chin in uncertainty.

“Just us.Bare, no condom.”

I had also never wanted to do that with Tyler or Stefan. I didn’t trust them. But with Carson, I had secretly never wanted to use condoms. I wanted him to fill me. Every aspect of him was so sexy, and that included his cum. Something about it felt more intimate, and I don't know, more instinctual. I liked it. I wanted to feel himburstinside me.

I added,“If you’re okay with it, that is. It’s just that your body holds a part of your essence. That’s why you hear aboutbloodmagicor how your hair is an energetic antenna. Sexual fluids are very potent inmagic.”

“I don’t know, babe. Something about you saying‘sexual fluids’gets me all hot and bothered.”I shoved at his chest, laughing.“It is sotoughbeing me.”I pushed him again, burying my face. He stroked my hair,“No, but for real, we both know we’re safe to do something like that, and we’reexclusive, so I’m in. Are you shocked?”

I lifted my face.“No.”I rolled over and tucked my body against his as the little spoon. He moved some of my hair tokissmy neck. Both of us fell silent,lostin our thoughts.“Then, we will tell Kaylee and your brother.”

“And the rest of my family and the town.”

“Yep,” I agreed.

He kissed my neck again, squeezed me tighter against his chest, and whispered,“Iloveyou. And all I want to do is make you feel it every day. If you ever question that, let me know, okay?”

His voice was earnest and made my words clog my throat. “Same here. I will fight for you. For us.”

So much of my journey to Pine Bluff was me wanting to quietly hide and pivot to another life path. But with Carson, it was as if I was being pushed to be seen, forced to step into the light. I didn’t know if I was brave enough.

And if I’m being completely honest, there was a tiny voice in the back of my mind.

What if it doesn’t work? What if this all goes up in flames?

Squeezing my eyes shut, I wiggled closer to my big, warm boyfriend and listened to him drift off into a dreamless sleep.

The Burn

Chapter Thirty-Three

It was August. Venus and the stars were on our side.

Rosie’s loft was dark, lit only by the blueish moonlight high in the windows and the warmgoldenglow of her salt lamp. I sat in my black boxer briefs on the edge of her bed, anticipation ticking in my chest. Her bathroom door clicked open. She emerged demurely in a short, black satin robe tied tight around her curves.

“Are you sure you want to do this?Sexmagicbonds you to someone deeper than regularsex.”

I grabbed her waist and pulled her closer.“I think it’s already too late for that. I’m in too deep. What we have, the bond I feel with you…it is something I could never forget or replace. It is its own kind ofmagic.”

She nodded with a dreamy stare, touching my face.“I agree. It’s somethingintenseand true.”

I studied her stunning green eyes framed in curled lashes. She was a little nervous but putting on a brave face. I couldn’t blame her.I brought her closer for akiss, our hands caressing each other’s faces, our lips gliding.

She pulled back before we could get carried away. Instead, she reached for a stone on top of her dresser. It was pale pink and glossy in an oval shape, about the size of her thumb.“This is morganite. It’s the stone ofunconditionalloveanddivineunions. It helps foster innocence and healing while softening the ego. It brings blessings ofloveand peace.”She stepped closer to me, pressing her lips to the stone.

When she handed me the crystal, I mimicked her and returned it. She tucked it between the pillows, then turned her attention to a red candle in a brushed bronze holder on her dresser. She had rolled it in oil and herbs and carved symbols on its surface in preparation for tonight. The wick lit immediately, the flame steady and straight. She tilted her head back and forth, inspecting it with a pleased pout. I watched on, feeling hypnotized. She was in her element, serene and sure.

Her voice came out sultry.“We have a couple of hours with this flame. Towards the end, I need to take over, but until then,”a smile spread on her face,“we can just enjoy each other.”

I untied her robe, letting her body peek through. She breathed in as my hand brushed one side, exposing a breast and a hip, then the other, her pale skin framed by black satin. “You’re so beautiful,magissa.” I kissed her collarbone and heart before pulling her onto my lap. Her warmth radiated as she straddled me, contrasted by her cool breasts and satin grazing my chest.

She wrapped her arms around my neck, “What does that word even mean?”

“It means witch.”