Page 34 of Feverburn

Iignoredthe sting, blinking it away.“Yeah, it’s been a bit, huh?”

She explained they had a staff bonding night at Tilly’s. She and Kaylee were the last ones standing. Closer to my store, Rambo ran across the parking lot with his family, causing Rosie to shriek. I distracted her by dancing with her to the door. She loved that and tried to grab my ass.

Once I got her inside, she looked around before calling,“Kiiiiiszzzkaaaa!”with a heavy tongue.

“He’s not here, sweetheart. He’s at my cabin.”

“Oh,”she frowned, breaking myheart.

“But he misses you, so do I.”

“Good,”she huffed and made her way to the stairs.

“Can I carry you?”

“No!”She got on all fours and started her way up. She handed me her purse with a feminine grunt by the fourth step.

“I could get you up in no time. Let me help.”

“No! Yoooouuu already fixed my door and hung my rose. Moun’ain man.”

Why was she keepingscoreof how I helped her in the past?

I followed her up the stairs, helping her stand at the top. Each time I’d been in her loft, it smelled like a fucking dream. Like her, the fragrance haunted me because it was earthy,spicy, and straight-up witchy.

Turning on a light, I looked around. Not much had changed, but things were more decorated. The bed was in the corner, far from the door, right up against the wall with windows overlooking Main Street. The fact that she could see where she worked from her loft wouldsuckon her days off. It left her with no place to retreat. The realization made me sad for her.

Aside from the gridlock, she made the loft homey by using deep jewel tones and secondhand items that looked like they had a story. At the foot of her bed was a comfy loveseat. Across from her queen-sized bed were a modest-sized TV and ladder bookcases. She positioned the TV and bookcases to not cover our old Kouris & Sons mural out of respect.

She was a damn good woman, even if she wasn’t mine. Yet.

Next to her bed, she had a dresser with crystals, a salt lamp, a wooden display with little bottles full of herbs, and a cool vase with peacock feathers. Since most walls were brick, she didn’t have much on display except a huge lavender and black macrame hanging.

“Do you like my witchy abode?”she asked, extending her arm like Vana White on some gameshow.

“Yes, you make everything pretty.”When I said that, I couldn’t help but tuck some hair behind her ear. She smiled at me and then almost tripped, trying to walk alone. I knelt, loving the way she braced herself on my shoulders as I freed her feet from the strappy contraptions she wore. Her feet had roses and lilies tattooed on the tops of them, her toenails an inky black. I wanted to rub her arches, knowing they probably hurt even in her stupor, but I figured that’d be crossing a line.

Now flatfooted, she boldly walked herself to the bathroom.“I won’t puke, promise. Jus’ need to pee.”

I smiled at her drunken proclamation and got her a glass of water.“Can I get you pajamas or something?”I yelled out, opening the top drawer of her dresser without thinking. Rows of bras and underwear filled it with a satin bag that probably had a vibrator. I closed it, sucking in a deep breath, only to turn to see her strutting out of the bathroom without her skirt on while she coiffed her hair up in a bun. I faced the kitchen counter, reminding myself that when I saw herperfectass, I wanted her to be stone-cold sober. As she walked past me, I got a whiff of minty toothpaste. That was a good sign. She probably wasn’t too far gone if she could brush her teeth.

The slight snapping of her top filled the air, then the scrape of a drawer opening.“All clear,”she murmured, sounding less drunk. She wore a giantPoisonband T-shirt with bleach splatters and holes. It hung off one shoulder but still covered her body like a nightgown. She was so cute and cool, even when she wasn’t trying.

I turned off the overhead lights so her loft was lit only by the amber glow of the salt lamp. She shuffled over to me with open arms, wanting a hug. I wrapped her up, loving how sweet she was drunk.

“Thanks for getting me home, big guy.”

“Don’t mention it. I’m glad you had a fun time.”She didn’t break the hug, so I asked,“Are you liking Pine Bluff now that it’s been a bit?”I hoped she was getting out into nature and making friends.

She broke the hug.“Yeah. It’s a charming place. I like the girls I work with. Hey, you smell good, by the way.”She plunked down on her bed, taking the glass of water I handed her. After a testing sip, she squinted at me, patting the bed beside her. I reluctantly sat down and tipped her glass, urging her to drink more. She wiped her mouth on her forearm.“Why do you care if I like Pine Bluff?”

“Because I care about you.”

“But I didn’t go on that date with you. Remember?”

“I still care about you. I want you to have a good life here, even if I’m not a part of it.”It was the truth.

“What if…what if I want you to be a part of it?”