My shoulders droop. “They didn’t want to.”
“Hell, Mia. I don’t want them to. Should’ve broken an arm or a finger at least,” Misty adds helpfully.
My whole body vibrates with my laugh. “Noted.”
“Any news from your doctor friend?” Sidney asks.
“I got a text from her saying nothing yet, but she thinks she may have a lead.”
Sidney grins. “Can’t wait to bring that fucker down.”
Misty takes a long drink of her tall beer and asks, “Okay, now that we have that out of the way. Spill.”
“Spill what?” I know what, but I’m not going to divulge what went down in Napa.
“Come on, you’ve all got these hockey stars. How am I supposed to live vicariously through you if you don’t give me any details?”
“Don’t you work with them now? Why don’t you pick one up?”Just not Alex or River.
She drops her head forward dramatically. “I can’t date them now that I work there. There are rules and all that.”
“That sucks.”
“It sure does. Which is why you’re going to spill.”
“There’s nothing to tell. We hooked up for the weekend, and then I went back to Ottawa.”
“Okay, so what happens now that you’re living with them?” Sidney asks entirely too innocently, and Misty squeals.
“Relax. We aren’t living together.”
Piper snorts. “No, she’s just living in Alex’s place across from River. Totally not living together. That five-foot hall makes all the difference.”
“So you’re living with Alex?” Misty raises a brow.
“No. Alex moved in with River.”
“To be a fly on their wall,” she hums.
“What do you mean?”
“Honey, if they weren’t stealing looks at you, they were stealing looks at each other.”
I check myself, and there’s no jealousy there. Instead, something warm and happy buzzes in my chest. I’m still lost in my thoughts when Piper cuts in.
“What are your plans with them?”
How can I explain that I want everything, but I’m terrified of what that’ll mean? My world just imploded, and I don’t think I can handle anything else. On top of that, I’m already dangerously close to falling hard, if it’s not already too late.
“It’s complicated. We’re friends.”
“Just friends? No benefits?” Sidney asks.
I gnaw on the side of my mouth. “Just friends.”
“Well, that should be a crime. What I’d give to have a guy look at me like that, let alone two.” Misty pouts.
“Oh yeah, and how is that?” I ask.