Page 74 of Rules Of Our Own

I shrug, trying not to make a big deal of it. “I’m giving it my best shot.”

“From what Piper’s said, you’ve done a fantastic job already.”

I shoot my treacherous friend a look. She knows how precarious my funding is, so I would not saya fantasticjob. “I’m still working on some things, but I’m hopeful.”

Hopeful is probably not the right word, but at least I’m not a defeatist yet.

“How’s your internship going? I assume by your choice in extracurricular, you want to specialize in the field of pediatrics?”

I swallow hard and clench my back teeth as I blink away the sting in my eyes. “That’s the goal. Unfortunately, the hospital I was at had to downsize my position, so I’m currently without an internship.”

“Is that so?” Dr. Jones glances at Piper with one raised brow, and my friend nods at her enthusiastically. “I don’t have a spot open at the hospital, but I’d love to have you work here until we can find you one.”

The world tips, and I almost let out a giddy laugh. “Really?”

Her smile grows, showing off perfectly straight white teeth. “Really, really. I can rush the forms for an H-1B visa. With the doctor shortage, they’re pushing them through. Can you start next week?”

I shout, “Yes!” then lower my voice. “I mean, yes, I would love to.”

“That’s settled. Piper, go ahead and show her around.”

She walks me toward the back room, where there’s a kid of about fourteen walking on a treadmill. He has a prosthetic that goes all the way up to his thigh that’s decorated with different illustrated designs.

“Pretty cool, right?” The boy’s wearing a smirk. “Custom design. AllOne PieceandDemon Slayer.”

I mouthDemon Slayer, not quite sure how to respond to that.

“Robbie, this is Dr. Brooks. She’s new here,” Piper chimes in. She gestures to the prosthetic. “He’s here to make sure it fits. The designs are all anime. Don’t you know that’s the cool thing now?”

“Alwaysbeencool.One Pieceis like one of the OG animes. It’s basically a masterpiece.” He’s quick to respond with that air of correctness only teens have. His stride is easy, and it’s clear he’s had his prosthetic for years.

He seems so genuinely interested that I can’t help but say, “I’ll check it out.”

“Shit, really?” His eyes are wide on me, completely ignoring Piper correcting his language.

I shrug. “Sure, but it better be as good as you say it is, or we’re going to have a chat.”

“Oh, don’t worry, it is.”

“So how’s the leg, Robbie?” Piper asks.

He hits stop on the treadmill, backing off and giving his leg a shake. “Nub’s fine. It’s a good fit.”

Piper bends down and checks the rim where it connects to his leg. “Why don’t you tell Dr. Brooks about yourself?” I like that Piper didn’t just give me the rundown for Robbie in front of him, like a doctor would in the hospital, instead making him a part of the conversation. I’ll definitely keep that in mind for the future when I’m working here. Holy shit! I’m going to work here.

“Ran over by a car when I was six. Had to get the ol’ choperoo. The rest is brutal history.”

I roll back on my heels, pretty sure he’s testing me. “Okay…but what about you? What grade are you in? How old are you? Play any sports?”

“Do I look like I play sports?”

I tilt my head, giving him a once-over. Sure, his leg’s amputated, but he’s got a decent amount of muscle on him. “Yeah…you do.”

He lets out a laugh. “You’re alright, Dr. Brooks. I row. I tried a few other sports, but I’m pretty good at it.”

Piper lifts to stand and rolls her eyes. “By pretty good, he means his team has won on the national level.”

“No shit?” I say without thought.