Page 102 of Rules Of Our Own

Sidney wanted to be here, but Mia insisted she needed her to be in Canada. Help make it kick off internationally.

I rub my towel over my head, drying off from the freezing water.

“Are you crazy!” Mia hisses through her teeth.

“Not normally. No.”

“A hundred grand!A hundred grand!” She searches my face, smile wide but arms crossed over her chest like she can’t decide how to feel about it.

“Mia, I would have donated a million if I didn’t think it would deter the other players. And I still plan on it in the background.”

Her mouth drops open, and she’s shaking her head. “But—”

“No buts, Love. Good luck convincing Alex not to do the same.”

The news crew set up a computer so they can watch what’s happening in Ottawa, and Jax’s smiling face fills the screen. He’s all scruffy hair and dimples as he pledges an obscene donation, Sidney beaming behind him.

Sidney does the honors of dumping water over his head, and he shakes it off, soaking her with the spray. He grabs Sidney around the waist, hauling her into his side, before grinning at the camera and challenging another Bruins player like we’d planned.

The reporter whistles impressively. “Live in one.”

Alex prowls toward Mia from behind, and she shrieks when he lifts her off the ground. “Your turn.”

“Wait, no.” Mia wiggles, trying to break his hold. People watch them, and we’re lucky we have the cover of being longtime friends. “I can’t afford to pledge what you’re all pledging!”

“Pledge a hundred K,” Alex says while walking toward the chairs.

“I don’t have a hundred K. Put me down,” Mia grinds out.

Alex complies, sliding her to her feet. “Pledge one hundred K, Kitten.” He gives her a Cheshire cat grin. “It’s for charity, remember?”

Mia opens her mouth to argue, but she’s cut off by the reporter counting down. She looks between us with wide, pleading eyes, and I shrug. Too late to get out of it now.

The reporter holds out the microphone, and Mia swallows hard. “Dr. Mia Brooks, founder of the Prosthetics For Kids charity.” She looks back at us, then says, “And I pledge…I pledge…” She takes a deep breath before continuing. “One hundred thousand dollars towards the Center-Ice Challenge.”

Piper dumps the water over Mia’s head. The pale green dress she’s wearing clings to her, showing off every detail of her curves, and my cock’s instantly hard. I’m not the only one who notices—several players from our team notice her with heated gazes, and I have to breathe through my growing jealousy. This girl’s going to kill me.

Mia challenges Lucas, and Misty tosses her a towel. She wraps it around her shoulder, and some of the tension loosens in my back. Unfortunately, she stays on the other side of the chairs, watching as player after player pledges and challenges the next.

It’s another forty minutes before it’s over, and I’m already closing the distance between me and my girl, Alex following close behind.

Misty wraps her in a giant bear hug before holding up a clipboard. “You just raised two million dollars.” Her voice raises with each word, and she’s bouncing on her feet.

Tears form in the corner of Mia’s eyes, and Piper does what I desperately want to do but can’t because I’m a secret and wraps her arms around her.

I’ve never been so jealous in my life.



Mia’spractically vibrating with excitement by the time we get back to the apartment. She dances and twirls on bare feet the entire way up the elevator, her shoes soaked from the challenge. Piper gave her spare clothes to change into, and it pisses me off that I couldn’t just wrap her in mine.

When River grabbed my black hoodie and pulled it over his head, something fucking primal tore at my chest. Seeing him wearing my clothes, out in fucking public, had my dick hardening in my shorts. I’d caught him raising the collar and smelling my scent, and it took every ounce of my willpower not to slam him into a wall and claim him right there.

I’m done playing around. This isn’t some kind of sexual exploration. This isrealfor me.

River heads to his room, presumably to change.