We walked towards our own vehicles and Caleb stopped suddenly. “Are we competing against Taylor now, too? Do you think he’s really trying to get back with her?”
Andrew grunted. “There’s no way she would ever consider him.”
I rubbed my jaw. “We’ve been keeping everything we do separate and doing our best to not step on each other’s toes with planning shit out. He’s not going to do the same thing.”
“Why do I feel like this is the beginning of a big speech?” Caleb studied my face and tilted his head. “What are you thinking?”
“If we weren’t so worried about crossing each other we’d be a lot more relaxed about just showing up to check on her.” I considered what I was saying and took a deep breath. “We all know he’s a piece of shit. She doesn’t want him near her but won’t stop him because of Jesse. Instead of competing against each other, what if we just joined forces?”
Andrew held up his hands. “Sorry, what? What the fuck does it mean to join forces when talking about pursuing a woman?”
Caleb moved closer. “Three against one instead of every man for himself. So, we date Olive as a unit?”
“I’m confused.” Still holding up his hands, Andrew shook his head. “A unit?”
“She obviously likes all three of us. Instead of having her decide which one of us she likes the most…what if she didn’t have to choose?” I was making it up as I went along, but it was starting to make sense. “We’re already basically dating her together. We know that we’re each sleeping with her.”
“You realize this is the woman I’ve wanted a chance with for years, right?” Andrew walked over to his truck and opened the door. “Why the fuck would I want to share her?”
“You’re already sharing her. With us. Your two best friends.” Caleb sighed when Andrew slammed his door shut. “Well.”
Andrew rolled his window down and ran his hands over his head. “What the fuck does it say about us that we would even consider this? Why would Olive ever consider it? It’s crazy.”
“It says that we care about her enough to put our greed aside to make sure we keep Taylor the hell away. And she’d consider it because we’re great.” I smirked at him to alleviate some of the tension. “I get that it’s crazy, but if we’re not tiptoeing around each other we can make sure Taylor keeps his hands to himself.”
“You make it sound noble when you say it like that. We’re setting greed aside.” Caleb puffed out his chest. “I like it.”
I rolled my eyes and pushed him away. “Let’s just go home and think about it. It’s only going to work if we’re all the way in.”
“You think she’s okay?” Caleb nodded towards Olive’s door and sighed. “Honestly, I think at this point, I’d do pretty much anything to not see that fear in her eyes again.”
Andrew let out a heavy sigh. “Unfortunately, I know Taylor well enough from when we were friends to know that he would’ve looked a lot fucking cockier if he’d done anything. Knowing that doesn’t make it any easier to drive away, though.”
“You had terrible taste in friends before us.” Backing away, Caleb held up his hand. “I need to go ice this if I have a chance at denying I hit that asshole.”
I snorted. “Pretty sure he’s going to have the shape of your knuckles imprinted on his face for life. You put your entire body into that punch.”
He nodded and wagged his eyebrows. “Fuck yeah, I did.”
Andrew started his truck and shot a look at Caleb. “Please don’t make me specialize in criminal law.”
I’dknownitwasn’tgoing to be a good day when I dropped Jesse off at school that morning. He’d been quiet and withdrawn still and unwilling to talk to me. I had a big test in my first class that day, though, so I couldn’t stop to make him open up to me. I had plans on doing it that night, but Ms. Emily called me as I was walking into my second class. As soon as I answered, I heard Jesse crying in the background.
“I’m sorry, Ms. Oakley, but Jesse is being sent home.” She hesitated. “I called you directly because I wanted you to hear this from me. He got upset when I didn’t call on him to lead the lunch line and he called me a very inappropriate name.”
To say I was shocked would’ve been an understatement. I immediately turned around and started walking at a fast clip towards the school. “I am so sorry, Ms. Emily. I… I don’t know what to say. I’m on my way.”
“Is there something going on at home? Besides that one incident with Keaton, Jesse is a really great student. This was shocking.” She sounded so concerned that my walk turned into a jog.
“He spent some time with his father last night but I was with them for most of the night. He was really upset afterwards, though. I am so sorry. I don’t know…” I frantically tried to think of what he would’ve called her. “I know that I shouldn’t, but I do sometimes curse in front of him.”
“I don’t think this is anything you would’ve said in front of Jesse, or even at any point, honestly.” Her voice grew quiet. “Rhymes with bore. A dirty rhymes with bore.”
I gasped. No other sound would leave my mouth. I was shocked and gutted to hear that had come from my son’s mouth.