“The price isn’t the issue,” I start. “I can’t in good conscience sell you the land without letting you know it’s extremely difficult terrain to build on.”
“Tell your conscience thanks, but I know what I’m doing.”
“We hired three construction crews to clear the land and lay the foundations, and all three quit.”
“Good thing I’m not bringing a crew then,” he mutters.
“You’re going to do everything on your own?” I ask, pulling the phone away from my ear and staring at it for a second.
“Are you talking yourself out of a sale?” Wilder finally answers.
“No, I just–”
“Got it. It’s dangerous, you think it’s a bad investment, you want to make sure I know what I’m getting myself into. Your advice has been heard and ignored. I’ll go five thousand above the asking price if you send the paperwork my way today.”
I blink a few times, then nod my head, even though he can’t see me. “Deal. Thank you for your business.”
Wilder grunts and then hangs up. Huh. I wonder what his story is.
I can figure that out later when I’m finalizing the paperwork. Right now, I have a sexy-as-hell angel in my bed that needs my attention.
I don’t know my woman’s morning routine yet, but I’m eager to discover everything about her. As I enter the kitchen, I get my first glimpse of what a typical morning looks like for Clementine. I can tell right away thatshe’s not a morning person, but I don’t mind. That means I’ll be able to wake up early and make her breakfast in bed.
She’s bent over the counter, poking different buttons on my coffee maker, and grumbling to herself. Her wavy blonde hair is twisted into a knot on top of her head. Frizzy strands have escaped, catching the morning light and making her look like a goddamn angel with a glowing halo surrounding her frame.
Even in her disheveled, groggy state, Clementine is the most adorable, stunning creature I’ve ever seen. Her curves fill out my oversized shirt, and from this angle, while she leans over the counter, I have a perfect view of her ass and thick, creamy thighs.
I try to bite back my groan, but Clementine must hear it anyway. She looks at me over her shoulder, her cheeks glowing pink.
“Oh. Hi. Hey,” she says, clearly surprised by my presence. “I was about to make coffee and get dressed, but I didn’t realize there were coffee machines on the market more complex than a frickin’ rocket ship.”
Clementine glares at the kitchen appliance as if it’s being difficult on purpose, pulling an amused chuckle from me as I walk further into the kitchen and hold my hand out for her to take. She easily slides her hand in mine, and I gently tug her forward until she’s pressed against my chest with my arms wrapped around her.
“How about I make coffee while you get dressed?” I whisper into the top of her head before kissing her there.
Clementine leans back slightly so I can see her sparkling green eyes. “I only have my clothes from yesterday, which aren’t very professional. Just jeans and a sweatshirt.”
“Well, it’s a good thing I had my personal shopper drop off a few outfits for you to try on,” I say with a smile. I love how her eyes widen, and I vow to surprise her with gifts all the time.
“Wait, really? Like, they’rehere? Hold on, you bought me clothes?” Clementine peers up at me in disbelief.
I lean down, brushing my lips up her neck, pausing to nip the sensitive spot below her ear. “I’ve also felt you come on my hand and heard your cries of ecstasy,” I murmur into the shell of her ear. Her breath catches in her throat, and I hum with dark satisfaction, knowing I can get my girl worked up with my words alone. “So maybe clothes aren’t that big of a deal, hmm?”
Clementine takes a step back, her face flushed and breathing shallow. She composes herself and narrows her eyes at me. I laugh, and her faux frown drops in an instant, replaced by the sweetest, most genuine smile.
“I like your laugh,” she says softly.
“I likeyou,” I tell her, unsure what to do with her kind words. Can’t say anyone has ever mentioned my laugh, but that’s probably because it’s been too damn long since I’ve had a reason to be joyful.
“How did you know my size?”
“Let’s just say I’ve been studying you and your curves for a lot longer than the last couple of days. You drive me crazy, you know that, right?” She smiles and nods, nibbling her bottom lip. “Do you have to go into your office today?” I ask.
She purses her lips and furrows her brow, thinking about my question. So damn adorable.
“No, I was planning on checking in with all the vendors and nailing down the schedule so we’re on the same page and all that. Can you believe the party is tomorrow?”
“I can’t believe you planned an entire event with little to no help from the grumpy asshole in the corner office.”