“Actually, they won’t be here for another four hours.”
This causes me to look at him over my shoulder, which is a big mistake.
Kingsley Bowman, CEO of King’s Holdings, looks like a hot mess. His hair is a bit wild, his eyes slightly red with bags underneath them, and he’s in his tux pants and button-down shirt from last night, though he’s lost the tie and jacket. His shirt sleeves are rolled up, and the first two buttons are undone, completing the frazzled look.
Still, he’s Kingsley freaking Bowman, so he’s still as handsome and sexy as hell, even with shadowy eyes and wrinkled clothes.
I step toward him, then pause, unsure what to do. I’m worried about him while also hurt and pissed. “What do you mean no one is coming for another four hours?” I finally ask, hoping to keep things professional.
Kingsley looks down, rubbing the back of his neck in a nervous gesture. I don’t think I’ve ever seen him nervous or anxious about anything.
“I sort of… I kind of bribed the staff to let me stay all night after they cleaned up. Ben and his husband helped haul in the tree and let me borrow one of their couches and rugs.”
I furrow my brow, not at all connecting the dots. Why would he do this? “And the email from my boss?”
“He was very understanding and reasonable when I called and talked to him.”
“What about the tree decorations?” I ask, a little piece of my heart softening as I subconsciously sway closer to him.
Kingsley lifts his head, and those brown eyes show me every emotion on his mind. The man actually blushes, his cheeks and the tips of his ears turning from pink to red.
“I looked up some common Christmas traditions since I have no experience with that kind of stuff. I wanted to give you the kind of warm, loving atmosphere your grandma had when you were growing up.”
I don’t even know how to begin to comprehend what he’s saying. Kingsley must take my silence as rejection, so he keeps right on talking.
“The popcorn string took way longer than I thought it would, but it was fun once I got the hang of it. I know the snowflakes leave a bit to be desired… Honestly, I’d never cut one out before. It took a few tries to get the folding right, but once I did, I think a few of them turned out okay.”
He shifts his weight from one foot to the other, then runs a hand through his hair and sighs.
“Kingsley, I don’t even know what to say,” I whisper.
“Before you say anything, I need you to know I’m not engaged. I never was. I barely know that woman. I met her once at a dinner party and never talked to her or saw her again until last night.”
“But why did she say she was your fiancée? And the ring?” I want to believe him. I really, really do. But I know what I saw, and his explanation isn’t nearly good enough.
“My conniving mother,” he grits. “She… she has a twisted view of relationships and, well, pretty much everything. It’s all transactional with that woman, including marriage. She married my father for wealth and status, and in return, he had numerous affairs while she knowingly looked the other way. It makes sense, in her fucked up way of thinking, that if the overseas investors wanted a family man, having a surprise engagement with someone who has lots of connections seemed like the perfect plan.”
“I saw…” I trail off, unsure I’m strong enough to say what needs to be said. “I saw you holding each other,” I whisper.
“I know this sounds like a convenient answer, but I swear on my life and my company that it’s true. My mother pushed the woman at me, and she tripped in her heels. I held my hand out to keep her from falling, and she took the opportunity to cling to me. It made me sick to my stomach. I never want anyone else who isn’t you that close to me.”
Kingsley looks down, closing his eyes as if caught in a bad memory. I hate that for him, and even though I don’t know what to believe right now, I have to comfort him. I close the distance between us and place my hand on his chest, right over his heart.
He gasps softly, his eyes capturing mine. Kingsley looks unbearably vulnerable, and I blink back tears.
“For a long time, my parents were the only example I had of marriage. But I don’t want that.” He rests his hand over mine and places his other hand on the small of my back. “I want something real. I want a partner who challenges me and makes me better. I want someone I can trust, someone I can talk to about everything and nothing. I want to enjoy spending time with my wife, and I want to spoil her and ensure she knows every single day that she’s loved.”
I sniffle as the first tear falls. Kingsley removes his hand from on top of mine and wipes away my tears.
“She sounds like one lucky woman,” I manage to choke out.
Kingsley smiles down at me, brushing a few strands of hair out of my face before cupping my cheek. He leans down and presses the sweetest kiss to my forehead, then steps back and gets down on one knee.
My jaw drops as I wait for his next words.
“I’m hoping that woman will be you, Clementine. I love you. I love you more than I thought I was capable of. I’m so sorry for the pain my mother caused, and I can’t apologize enough for not contacting you all day yesterday. I was in meetings, and at some point, my phone died. I now have a charger in my office, car, briefcase, and every room in the penthouse. I also purchased a ten-pack of external batteries that will always be charged in case I somehow find myself without one of those chargers.”
I grin at the man who has stolen my heart completely. The worry and sincerity in his voice, coupled with the pleading in his rich brown eyes, puts any doubts to rest. “That seems like a reasonable response to having your phone die once,” I tease.