I roll my eyes, starting to walk towards the famous salon, which also happens to be one of the only ones for miles that keeps up with the newest techniques. It’s a one-stop shop for hair, skin, and nails. I used to go there all the time until the girl my ex cheated with started to work there. Hence why Cora would think I’m mad.

“So, you’re not angry?”

“No. Anger would mean that I care and I don’t. See?” I smile a huge toothy grin at her. “Happy as can be. Let’s go”

“I don’t believe you but okay, just don’t set the place on fire. Besides, I made sureshewouldn’t be there.”

“Did you now? ‘Cause that’s not embarrassing.”


“I’m not but I would prefer if the whole salon didn’t think that I was avoiding Crystal like the plague.”

“Ugh, I’m sorry but it was just Leslie, so I’m sure she wouldn’t have said anything.”

“Drop it. Let's just do this”

“We can cancel!' she practically yells. I don’t know how else to reassure her other than walking in and sitting my ass in a chair.

“Cora, if you were that worried about me being mad, then why even make the damn appointment here?”

“Because it’s the best. I was secretly hoping since you’re basically in a love triangle now that you wouldn’t care”

“I am NOT in a love triangle.” Rolling my eyes, I see the sign from the salon and turn to walk right in without another word to my best friend.

“Hi, welcome to Mirror, Mirror.” Just my luck. “Alex Monroe, is that you?”

Cora follows right behind, bumping into me, and I catch myself on the counter.

“Is that Cora, too? Oh my gosh- I haven’t seen you girls in forever. How are y’all?”

I hate her stupid Minnie Mouse voice with her southern drawl. She moved to our small town of Lockhart, Texas halfway through our senior year and stole the love of my life from me. Granted he wasn’t a very good person, but I thought I loved him. I thought he was forever. He got her pregnant and I never looked back. She was going to get my happily ever after and I accepted it and left that shitty town in my rearview.

“Hi, Crystal Anne. We are doing amazing. How are you?”

“Oh, I’m as sweet as a honeybee, graduated from beauty school as you well know. I may be a high school dropout, but I still made something of myself. You, little ladies, look just darling. Are you here for an appointment?”

I hate that she is so nice. It makes it hard to hate her. It really isn’t her fault that we both fell for a piece of shit. Cora picks up the rest of the conversation as I sign our names into the book. I really am happy that Crystal has something good in her life. I’m a little irritated we ended up in the same city but everyone in Lockhart wants to move to the big city. Granted San Marcos isn’t as big as Houston or Dallas, but it’s an amazing place to begin life. Texas State put this city on the map, that's for sure.

Crystal makes eye contact with me and nods in the direction she wants me to follow.

I give Cora a death stare over my shoulder, and she mouths, “I’m sorry.”

“Have you heard from Walker?” Crystal asks quietly.

My heart drops at the mention of his name. Like Voldemort in Harry Potter, we don’t say his name.

“Umm no, I haven’t talked to him since I found out y’all were having a baby and then you both left school, so…”

“Right.” She pauses. “Well, I lost the baby, it was early on, but we had already dropped out. He booked it shortly after we found out. I was so embarrassed. I just couldn’t show my face at school again.”

“I understand and I’m sorry for your loss,” is all I say.

“Listen, sugar. I know I’m probably one of the last people on God’s green earth you want to see, but I just wanted to make my peace.”

“Thank you, Crystal, but there really isn’t any peace for you to make, at least not with me. I forgave you a long time ago and I thank you.”

Confusion etches her perfect face. “Thank me? For what?”