“Savage,” she laughs.

She really does look amazing. The plaid skirt is high-waisted, highlighting her tiny waist. She has it paired with a black strapless top that hugs her little body and pushes up her already huge boobs. When she turns around, I see the corset in the back and walk closer to tie it up for her. She runs her fingers up and down the ribbed bodice. It really is the perfect outfit for her body type.

“Promise you don't think it’s too much?” A mark of uncertainty is on her beautiful face.

“No, Cora, I promise. It's perfect. I love it. You are stepping out of your comfort zone and that can be scary but do it!”

“Like Nike,” she finishes, and we laugh.

I tie up the end and turn her around. “See, you look like a bad bitch. Wear it."

“What if Edward doesn’t like-"

I cut her off, already knowing the last word of that sentence. “Fuck Edward.”

She makes her way back into her dressing room. I’m a little discouraged since I still haven’t found anything. Nothing feels right, like I've outgrown all of this.

“I’m going to go look around, nothing is catching my attention.”


It’s always so easy for Cora to find an outfit. I’m jelly but it takes me forever. Everything on the racks looks so unflattering for my body type. I wear a large, sometimes extra-large because of my curves but because I’m shorter it doesn’t fit like it’s supposed to length-wise. It’s frustrating.

I turn a corner and decide to head back to the fitting rooms and see a gorgeous two-piece on a mannequin facing the wall. I don't know how I missed it before. I look at the tag and see it’s my size. To my surprise, it’s also on clearance. Jackpot!

The saleswoman, who seems to be everywhere I am, makes eye contact with me as I try to call her over for help. She puts her finger up, telling me to hold on, and walks away. Waiting impatiently, I see Cora out of the corner of my eye making her way up to the cash registers.

“Cora, come here. I found the perfect outfit!”

She walks up, eyes wide as her gaze reaches the place I’m pointing. “Holy cow. That's stunning. Definitely a head-turner with your body.”

“I plan on breaking some necks with it on.”

Finally, the sales lady shows up. I ask her if someone can get the outfit off so I can buy it.

“Someone put that on hold for pick up at 2:30.” Her monotone voice and eye roll send me over the edge.

Taking my phone out of my bag, I check the time and it's 3:05. “Well, their time is up, so I would like to buy it please.'‘

Cora steps closer, assuming I’m getting pissed, which would make her correct.

The sales lady rolls her eyes, making it extremely hard to keep my cool, so I take a step forward.

“I’ll have to ask my manager.”

She’s walking away before I can even respond to her, so I follow.

“Are you serious? It's already been over thirty minutes. It should be completely up for grabs. If it was on hold, it shouldn’t even be on the floor.”

At this point, I’m chasing her as she touches up every single fucking thing she passes by on the way to the office behind the registers.

“If it wasn’t for the mannequin, I would have just grabbed it myself, but God forbid you think I’m stealing it since you have been following me around the damn store this whole time!”

She finally looks back at me. “I wasn’t following you,” she says with her hand to her chest as if she is offended.

“Yes, you were. Every time I turned around there you were fixing or folding something. Give me that damn dress now or I want to talk to your manager to report you.”

She holds eye contact with me for several seconds, thinking through what she is going to do next, I’m sure. Maybe I’m being immature but Ineedthis outfit. It's perfect, and in this shitty life, small wins like this matter. They matter so much. I know I have money now and I can buy anything I want. I no longer have to live like I’m poor, shop at discount stores, or resale shops. But when you're raised that way, it becomes ingrained in who you are the same way traditions do. I don't have any traditions but shopping smart is good for any income bracket. That is one thing I think will always be a part of me.