I’m sure that got us even more attention. Somehow my ass always becomes the top topic of conversation. I even got in a fight once because a girl was arguing about how a guy would choose her huge tits over my big ass any day and we went around a party taking surveys. When I won, she got pissed!

I facepalm myself, remembering all the stupid shit I have done and all the equal amount of times I promised myself I wouldn’t do it again. And yet, here I am years later doing the same shit. Peter Pan- take me now because I’ll never grow up.

“Yes, Alex,” Cora continues. “But we lived it up and we loved all the attention! We were the life at the party, just like old times. The guys joined in and you danced with Xzavien as I danced with Edward. It was like we made our own little club right there on the dance floor.”

“How long were we dancing?”No wonder my legs are so damn sore.

“I’m not sure, but it seemed like forever, though. The music, the vibes, it just kept us going… But then we took off our shoes and got on the table.”

“Of course, we did,” I mutter, facepalming again. Wouldn’t be us if we didn’t. I’m just annoyed that I can’t remember any of it.

“Oh, and you ran into an old friend. Do you remember that? Danielle or something like that. She said your moms were best friends growing up.”

“Danielle? Wow, I haven't seen her in years. How was she?”

“Good, apparently. She was on the table, too. You got extra crazy when she started to hang out with us. But no worries, you got her number!”

That’s right. Cora said I got Kohen's number. I want to check my phone and see if I actually have it or if my drunk ass put in some kind of gibberish. I’ll wait, though. I don't want Cora to think too far into it as I know she will. Besides, I want to hear the rest of the story.

“Okay, so we danced on the table. Then what?”

“Well, that Danielle girl is just as nuts as you are, and y’all decided to do a damn strip tease while you were on the table.”

“Oh my god, Cora. Please tell me you stopped me?”

“Is there such a thing as stopping Alex Larae Monroe? No! There isn’t. I told you to stop, and that just lit more of a fire under your ass. It's you!”

I thought that version of me died a long time ago. “I can’t believe I did that. I’m so embarrassed.”

Cora lets out a loud laugh. “Alex, are you serious? Of course, you did, and you two loved every second of it. Listen, I’m glad you were able to let go like that. You deserve to be crazy. You aren’t 40 years old. You’re not even 21. It’s okay.”

I take a little pause from the conversation as Cora cleans up and think to myself. Damn, I really did let loose last night. I’m a little shocked about it but I also feel a little free. I’m still kind of ashamed and that’s new for me. I never feel guilt or shame because I have always been so unapologetic about who I am and why I’m like this. I guess it feels different because I promised a change on Cecille’s behalf. After she passed, I promised to take my life more seriously and to give myself a chance at life. Set goals and have some ambition. I owe it to her. Just when I think I’m doing shit right for once, life reminds me I don't deserve anything good. I suck in all these negative thoughts before Cora notices and I ask more questions about last night.

“So did Xzavien or Kohen have anything to say? How did they react to my craziness?”

“Oh my gosh, Alex. Yesss. Kohen was infatuated with you. He told Edward he had never met a girl that was as confident as you. You told him he was sexy, but you also called his butt out for not being at his own party on time. You went on and on about how rude it is and how unsafe it could be if something happened, and he wasn’t there.”

“I didn’t! Why didn’t you stop me, Cora? Omg, how embarrassing.”

“No, Alex, it was the cutest thing! He kissed your hand and apologized. He had joked around about it making him seem mysterious so you would be more interested, and you told him he failed because you met X.”

I gasp. What the fuck was I thinking? I’m a hot fucking mess. No, I’m a damn dumpster fire. I am so embarrassed. I laugh, because if I don’t, I might just throw up. My head is spinning from all the information I just got. I have so many more questions but I don’t know if Cora will know the answers. Did he like me? What about X? God, if I hurt his feelings I’m going to feel like a bitch. Then again, when have I ever cared about another man’s feelings? They never spared mine. That’s why I’m such a bitch. Every heartbreak, every broken piece, reminds me that men ain’t shit. I laugh.

Cora looks at me puzzled as I continue to chuckle quietly at myself.

“He did not back down at all and I think that’s why X ended up leaving. Originally, X was trying to make you seem less interesting to Kohen once he got there. Edward says Kohen doesn’t date much and he loves a challenge. So when X tried to make it seem like you were hard to get, it only made him more interested and X got upset.”

“I wish I felt bad, and I almost did, but then I remembered men don’t give a shit when they hurt us. So, too bad for him. If I was worth it, he wouldn't have left.”

“All I know, Alex, is you’re on Kohen Ventura’s radar, and he always gets what he wants.”

Me? A challenge? I guess that’s fitting. But if Kohen thinks he is going to get what he wants out of me, he has another thing coming. He is on my radar now, too, and I’m not afraid to play with sharks.



It’s been a week since the party. We have been so busy with our second week of classes and time really flew by. We have barely seen each other at home between school and trying to find jobs. I went back through my texts and pictures from the night of the party at Kohen’s house, but I don’t remember what he looks like so I wouldn't even be able to tell who he is in any of the pictures I have. Aside from that, most of them are blurry as fuck because my dumb ass was drunk. There are pictures in there that someone else took because I’m in them, but so is Cora. There are pictures of me dancing and taking shots with Cora and Danielle.