“Hey, Kohen, are you in there, bro?”

It’s Xzavien. Guilt hits me like a Mack truck and nausea follows. Kohen stands up, heading to the door and I follow. Might as well rip the band aid off, I told him we were just friends. Kohen can’t turn the door knob any slower. I don’t know how X will react, but I really don’t give a fuck. The door opens.

“Hey, have you seen Alex…” Before he finishes his sentence, X’s eyes meet mine, and devastation is written all over his face.

“Yeah, bro. She’s here. What’s up?”

“Nah, it’s good. I was just making sure she was safe. Y’all have a good night.”

He walks away without another word, head hanging low. I hate to admit that I don’t want to chase him. I know that’s fucked up, but Kohen closes the door, deciding for me.

“Should we go after him?” I ask, following him back to the couch.

“Not unless you want to go home with him. He knows I like you. I told him a few weeks ago, which brings me back to this past week. Did he not tell you what I was up to?”

“No, he never mentioned you, and we texted a lot.” He raises a brow, a touch of jealousy in his eyes. “Was he supposed to tell me? Because that should have been you”.

“I told him to tell you that I was training.”

“What? He never told me anything.” That pisses me off and now I’m glad that I didn’t go after him. Fuck him. That’s fucked up.

“It doesn’t surprise me that he didn’t tell you, but like you said I should have just done it myself. He is my best friend, and I should be able to trust him. But then he does shit like this. I don’t know if it’s jealousy or what but we are fucking grown now.”

“Enough about him.” I slowly climb back on his lap.

“Fine with me.” He tugs at my hair gently, causing my head to roll back.

“So do you bring all your little girlfriends to this sexy bachelor pad?” I have a playful tone, but I find myself seriously wanting to know and I hate it.

“Nope, I’ve never brought a girl up here before. My ex came close, but it never happened.”

“Shut up, you don’t have to lie. I’m a big girl and we aren’t together, so you can stop with all that.” I start to climb off, turned off by the bullshit he’s spewing to try and get in my pants.

“I’m not fucking around. We were about to fuck before X knocked on the door. So, I’m being honest, but I do have a question for you- do you like him? Because you showed up to my party with him.”

“Yes, I came here with X, but I told him we were just friends from the beginning. If you wanted me to come here alone, you should have invited me yourself.”

“That’s where you’re wrong, Angel. I think you very much wanted to know. I think it bothers your pretty little fucked up head to think of me inside another girl. I’ll tell you right here, right now- I don’t want you with X. I don’t want you with anyone other than me, and I don’t need any other woman. I’m… selective.”

“Well, I can show you the texts that I have nothing to hide. X and I will never be a thing, even if you didn’t exist. Besides…” I hesitate, choosing my next words wisely. “The reason I was at the bar in the first place was because I called him Kohen.” Rolling my eyes, I look away, embarrassed by my own admission. I just gave him a little bit of ammo against me and I don’t like it.

“You called him by my name?” he asks, his smirk quickly turning into a huge radiant smile, dimples on full display. My heart fucking melts.

He pulls me back down roughly on top of him and grinds upward into me, his big hands kneading my ass like Play-Doh. It hurts a little but in the best way, making me tingle all over. He peppers kisses on my skin, setting little fires with each peck.

“I’m telling you right now, no other woman has graced this fucking room but the maid.”

“How do I know you didn’t fuck her in here?” My lips are a whisper from his.

“Because she’s my aunt.”

Thank fuck. I roll my back and grind my pussy onto his hard dick, moaning at the contact.

“Fuuuck, Angel.” He licks his thick lips and looks down at where our bodies make contact.

“You make me feel crazy, Kohen Ventura.”

“Same to you, Alex Monroe. You awakened a monster in me, and I don't know what it is about you, but I don’t think I have it in me to let you go now. Can I take this off?”