“For what, Angel?”

“I don't know.” I stare up at him, taking in his features. He is so handsome.

A few more tears fall from my eyes without permission, and that angers me. If only he knew he made me weak, too. But I won’t give him that power over me.

I place my hand on his chest, not noticing how close we gravitated toward each other. Our lips are a breath away from touching. Chests heaving. Everything goes quiet.

I pull him into me and our lips meet. A fire ignites between us. The flames travel up my spine into my chest and spiral around my entire body. This kiss is deep and passionate, one that two strangers shouldn’t be experiencing. We don't even know each other but the connection is tangible. Its elasticity bands us together. He lifts me into his arms and I wrap my legs around his waist. He stands with me, still tongue-tied and swallowing each other whole. He lays me on the couch and without any words, our bodies react to each other as lovers do. I lift his shirt and pull it over his head, tossing it onto the floor.

I pull back, breaking the place where our lips met, and take a second to take the image of him in. He has the body of a God, chiseled like a statue- all hard lines of muscle. Bless me. He is gorgeous.

It's then that the intrusive thought hits me like a ton of bricks. Why is he here? I start to overthink, and I can’t even enjoy the kisses he is peppering on my lips, my cheek, and my neck, because I am sure this is some sort of cruel joke. A game of who can get into Alex’s pants first.

I can’t ever have anything good. My fight or flight kicks in and I want to push him away. I will not allow myself to be swallowed up in lust, thinking it's love, and end up with a broken heart. This feels like something uncontrollable and unexplainable. I need to run before I get run over. Right when I’m about to ask him to stop, he does.

“I’m sorry, I have to go.” There is confusion in his tone.

“Wait, what? Why?” Panic takes over and the energy shifts. What did I do? Why am I asking? I was about to ask him to leave, but this catches me off guard.

“Yes, I forgot I had to do something. I have to leave.”

He has to be lying. I can tell.

I feel a little abandoned and I don't know why. This is what I wanted. What does it matter who initiated it? He stands, picks up his shirt, and takes a long look at me.

“You are the most beautiful human being I have ever laid my eyes on, Alex. I just want you to know that.”

“Is everything okay…”

He interrupts me, leaning in for a kiss, and I’m speechless. I’m putty in his hands but as he walks away, I’m reminded he doesn’t want me in his hands. “I have to go. I’m sorry.”

Just like that, he leaves me on the couch, confused about this whole situation. He walks out the front door and he takes all his sunshine with him, leaving me alone in the dark. Why did he leave? What the fuck did I do wrong? How can I feel so scared to lose him when I don't even have him yet?

So many questions run through my mind as I sit up, trying to get my thoughts together. I would call Cora but I don't want to ruin her date with Edward. I see Kohen’s headlights pull away and I feel empty. Used.

My phone rings. I run to grab it, hopeful that it's Kohen, but also feeling pathetic. Like a puppy making sad eyes at the people passing, hoping they will throw him a bone and take him home. That's me- a lost, homeless puppy no one wants. The name on the screen flashes and I let out a huff.


"Hey, gorgeous. I know you said you were going to bed, but I just wanted to hear your voice."

"Thank you, X. Listen, I know you like me, and I just feel like I need to be honest."


"I’m just not looking for a relationship right now. I just want to be friends. We can hang out and go do fun shit together, but just as friends. I just want to make sure we’re on the same page. I just need to focus on being the best me."

"No worries, gorgeous. I get it, and if all you want is to be friends for now that's cool. If it turns into something more later, I’ll be down for that, too. Listen, I know Kohen was there."

How the fuck would he know that? "How do you know Kohen was here? And even if he was, what does that matter? We’re only friends."

"No one is just friends with Kohen, Alex."

“Well, that really isn’t any of your business. I said what I said. I got to go. Please don't call me again when I say I’m going to bed. Night."

Furious, I hang up. Why do these guys think they can just assume whatever they want?

I stomp up the stairs to actually go to bed before I do or say something I'll regret.