I don't know why I just said that, but I hope he comes in. Not only do I want him to come in because I like him, but I also want him to because now I am too scared to be alone again. PTSD is a bitch.

“I’d love to. Are you sure? I wouldn’t want to impose. I just came over because my calls and texts don't seem to be going through. So now that I know you’re okay, I can go if you want me to. It's cool.”

I respond a little quicker than I would have liked, “No, please come in. I don't want you to leave." He looks pleased to hear me say those words and starts to walk toward me. I move aside so he can come in, breathing in as much of him as I can.

I’m thankful I just took a shower. It’s crazy where a day can take you.

He steps past the threshold of my little house and my heart flutters wildly in my chest. He is insidemyhouse. I keep repeating it in my head like the warnings at the bottom of the news when a storm is brewing. He walks into the living room and sits on the couch like he owns the place.

He watches me intently as I sit next to him. I feel like I’m forgetting something, but I can’t remember what. Too many jumbled thoughts running around in my brain. It's like a cuckoo clock. I sit on the couch but I’m careful not to sit too close. Nervousness takes over my body and I feel myself blushing. He smiles at me, right on cue, as if there's a prompt somewhere giving him all the right moves to make.

He pats the seat next to him. “Come here. Why are you so far away?”

This is so unlike me. I’m not shy and timid. I’m a force to be reckoned with. I never get nervous around guys, and I don't really even like this one. Sure, he is fucking hot and his smile, and oh that dimple. But that's it. He is all looks and no depth. It must be the hormones. I’m just horny. It’s been a long time. That's it. He’s just a guy with money, and he’s probably an asshole. This is just a facade to get in my pants.

When Cora and I left the cafe, I did do a little intel. Kohen is an only child from what I can tell, so probably spoiled. His family has several businesses they own as well as hitting big in oil. It looks like they did a ton of volunteer work and had several scholarships for underprivileged teens to get to college, but I bet that's to cover up something shady. I did see he had a girlfriend for a while, a gorgeous Victoria's Secret model-worthy one who he looked serious about. He tagged her in everything until a few months ago. He probably broke her fucking heart. He hasn’t been with any other girl publicly since her.

Kohen's voice brings me out of my spiraling thoughts. “Did you hear me, Angel?”

Angel. He has called me that a few times now. I wonder why, and does he call every girl he’s trying to get in bed that?

“Yes, my bad. I was just thinking."

“Thinking about what exactly?” he asks, smirk in tow.

He is so cocky. Ugh. There's a really fine line between hating it and loving it.

“Nothing important, and wipe that smirk off your face because it had nothing to do with you.” I look down at my feet and it hits me, I forgot to change. I’m still in a fucking towel.

“Don't be shy, Alex. I’m not that intimidating.” He emphasizes that as if he really thinks he’s intimidating me. That's all it takes to light the fire back under my ass. Whatever shyness I have is long gone now.

“Okay asshole, calm down. You do not intimidate me.”

“There's my spicy girl.” He lets out a little laugh, smiling as if his goal is achieved.

There's a little throb at my core with that comment. I bite my lip, trying to mask my smile.

A notification pings from my phone before I can speak, and I remember for the second time now that I need to change. I grab my phone off the coffee table and I see it's Xzavien texting me.

“I’ll be right back. I forgot to change.”

“You don't have to change. I don't mind the view.”

I roll my eyes and he follows the line of sight to the ceiling. “Is there something up there you’re looking at?”

The smirk! I want to smack it off his stupidly handsome face. “You are an asshole, Kohen.”

“Ooh, say my name again. It sounds so good coming from those gorgeous lips.”

I walk away, not engaging with him anymore.

X: hey gorgeous, wyd??

Me: hey, headed to bed.

Me: night.

I return to the couch in sleep shorts and an oversized t-shirt. I don't miss the way he eyes my thick thighs. Sitting closer to Kohen this time, my thigh rubs against his muscular one. It feels like little sparks travel up my leg where our bodies meet. Our skin didn’t touch but it didn’t have to. I can’t deny that there is…something between us. It’s magnetic and strange. I want him here, but I don’t want to want him at all. It makes me angry with myself.