My text messages to Alex aren’t going through. She doesn’t know me well enough yet to know I can find out where she lives easily. I have connections as the king of this campus.

The fact that she was brave enough to respond to me like that, to test me that way. This is what makes me want to possess her, make her mine in every fucking way. She challenges me, stares straight at me, and does not back down. Fuck, she’s sexy.

I stare at the texts she sent going over them again. She’s so feisty.

Alex: to your first set of messages in class, I had no idea who you were lol. I didn’t remember anything from that night including what you looked like. does that happen often? LOL

Alex: I also don’t remember a kiss, so how do I know you’re not making that up? If you need me to pretend, then just say that.

Alex: the only heart that will be breaking is yours. Not mine and not Xzavien’s. IF you want me, Kohen, come and claim me. Until then, I am going on that date with X. May the odds be ever in your favor.

She clearly doesn’t know who she is messing with. It drives me crazy that I don’t have the effect on her that I do with most girls. My charm goes unmatched. She doesn’t seem to be falling for it, though. Alex isn’t like the other girls in this god-forsaken city. That’s what draws me to her. She drives me crazy already, and we aren’t even official. Well, in my head we are but that doesn’t count for much if she isn’t in agreement. I wouldn’t know. I have never dealt with this before. She is strong, confident, beautiful, and-damn-that fucking body. Curves in every fucking right place. Exquisite.

When I saw her at my party, I was intoxicated. Not in the way that everyone else was because, in that way, I was sober. Her body glistened in sweat under the strobe lights, and the way she moved her hips seductively and sexually to the rhythm of the music, it was like she was speaking to me in another language as her body moved. I wanted to snatch her up at that moment and fuck her on that dance floor. I don't know exactly what it is but the primal need to make her mine overtakes all common sense.

I try to text her a few more times and I am still receiving the same automated message:

Alex: You’re BLOCKED- lose my number.

So, I call her and it goes straight to voicemail.

"This is Alex, leave a message and maybe I’ll get back to you."

She blocked me! What the actual fuck? She sent those messages and blocked me so I couldn’t respond. She is crazy, but I like that.

This is making me feel uneasy. The fact that I could see the guys all interested in her and just as captivated by her as I am. Xzavien especially. I need to let him know to back off. No one will have her if I can’t have her. The way that angry kiss felt after she called me out on my shit at the party turned me the fuck on. Never have I ever been called out like that before, and definitely not in my domain. Ineedto see her.

Dialing Xzavien’s number, I climb into my car to see if he knows what’s up with her. Do I even want to know if he knows where she lives or has spoken to her when she won’t even give me the damn time of day? I don’t want this to cause more competition shit between him and me, but that’s what it’s looking like since he asked her out.

To be honest, I don't give a fuck if he likes her. She will be mine. I hang up the phone and decide not to turn to him. He won’t want me to have a leg up on him. Alex will give in to me if it’s the last thing I fucking do. Xzavien will ruin this just like he has ruined everything else in my life since we were kids.

Just when I pull into campus headquarters, he calls me back. Shit.

“Hey bro, I missed a call from you. What’s up?”

“Oh, nothing man. I was just at the gym. I thought I forgot the key to the top floor of the house, but I had it."

“Oh, okay. That’s a coincidence, I’m walking into the gym right now."

“Oh, alright. Well, have a good workout, my dude. Oh, and you might want to leave your phone in the car. There was some guy going through the lockers earlier. I almost knocked his ass out."

“Ah shit, thanks, man. I’ll do that."

“I GTG, bro, I’m driving.”

“Alright, brother. Talk to you later.”

I walk up to the administration building and scan my badge. I look up at the brick walls lined with vines and greenery until I see the security camera and salute. Being the son of the mayor in this town means something to some people and I know the guys watching from the security room will delete this footage. My aunt is also the dean. She has spoiled me rotten since my mom passed, so I tend to get away with a lot, which only adds to my reputation around here.

The air smells fresh here, probably because it rained this morning. The dew still sits on the rose bushes lining the sidewalk. The door finally beeps to let me know it's unlocked. I run up to the secretary’s computer. They’re closed today, so other than a few janitors, I should be alone. I power it on, type in the master passcode, and I’m in.

Alex Monroe is the name I type in the database. That I know for sure because I asked our professor what her full name was that first day of class. Her file pops up. I hit print and impatiently wait for the pages. Everything finishes printing and while the pages are still warm, I enter her address into my GPS and drive. She is going to find out really quickly how resourceful I am and exactly who Kohen Ventura is.

My phone rings but the name flashing on my screen reminds me that I do not want to answer it. I’m done with that bullshit. I have new goals for my life, and it doesn’t include any toxic people from my past. I roll my windows down and the cool breeze whips my skin as I wave my arm through the air.

* * *