I laugh. “That shit doesn’t exist, Cora.”

“You never know, it could exist. Just because you don't believe in it, doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.”

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it that way. Of course, it can exist for you, best friend. Only for you.”

I pull her in for a hug. I never want to hurt her feelings, and I know she believes in true love. Her parents set a good example of it. I wasn’t as fortunate.

“It's okay, Alex. Back to you and your love life.”

“Right, okay. I’m just shocked. Like who the fuck does he think he is?”

We say that part at the same time and burst out laughing. The negative thoughts enter my mind and I immediately start to question his motives. If he was or is so interested and captivated by me, why hasn't he texted me since the party?

“Okay!” she says, breaking me out of my thoughts. “Let’s come up with a plan. You like him, and he clearly likes your crazy ass. Edward said he usually gets bored easily. I’m sure all your personalities can keep him entertained, but I don’t want you to get hurt.”

“Hilarious, Cora. Are you a comedian now? So funny,” I deadpan.

“So what? What do you suggest?”

“Let’s text him.”

My hands are shaking uncontrollably as I open the text messages and get ready to respond. Flashes of Kohen and his demanding presence fill my head. The party, my class, the meeting in the hallway… I feel Jumanji-sized butterflies in my stomach, and I don’t want them there, so I snuff them out. I hate that I’m so excited to text him.

What is this guy doing to me? His hazel eyes, and the dimple on his cheek when he smiles are one of the most captivating things I have ever seen. The smirk he made when he knew exactly who I was and was secretly texting me... How could I not remember meeting this irritating boy? More visions of his muscular frame dance around my head like they do in cartoons. I can’t deny how fucking hot he is.

I want him, I must have him. To claim him before he can claim me. Every fiber in my body feels like it’s on fire when I’m around him. I have never felt anything like it before.

“Alex? Did you hear me? Are you going to text him back?”

“What? Yes. I was waiting for you to tell me. Any ideas on what I should say?”

She slaps her palm to her forehead. “Do you listen at all? Of course, you don't. When have you ever listened? Why do I even bother?”

“Text him and let him know you aren’t going to play his games, which it was shitty of him to pretend Sarah was his girl.”

She continues on about all the things I should say to him to let him know I’m not playing his games, but she doesn’t need to know that I have every intention of playing the game. I want to because I’m going to show the heartbreaker of Texas state that he has met his match. I will break his little heart before he even has the chance to break mine. I wanted her help but now I remember I’m a badass bitch and I got this. So, I start to respond.

Me: to your first set of messages in class, I had no idea who you were lol, I didn’t remember anything from that night including what you looked like. does that happen often?

Me: I also don't remember a kiss so how do I know you’re not making that up?

Doesn’t show he has read anything yet, so I send one last message.

Me: the only heart that will be breaking is yours. Not mine and not Xzavien’s. I know you want me, Kohen, so come and claim me. Until then, I am going on that date with X. May the odds be ever in your favor.

I know I said I would friend-zone X and I will, but Kohen doesn’t need to know that.

I see the bubbles. He is typing his response, so I turn my phone off. I don't want to be tempted to respond.

I look over at Cora, who is probably on the phone with Edward I’m sure. So I wait for her to hang up and tell her the truth about what I responded with. She rolls her eyes and gets up, shaking her head at me.

“This isn’t going to end well. Come on, let’s go home,” Cora says.

I don't plan on it ending at all but let the chips fall where they may.

“Okay, best friend. We can order in. I’m tired.”