I don't know how to respond. They argued? About me? Why? Who the hell would argue about a girl they just met?

He must read my expression and take my silence for unease because he follows with his version of an explanation. “We are best friends and we butt heads a lot. I guess you could say we are pretty competitive”.

He must be nervous because I catch him running his hand through his hair multiple times.

“Wow, well I’m sorry you felt left out but I’m not some prize to win. So if you two think this is some sort of competition, I’m definitely not the one."

I start to grab my things off the table to leave and he looks a bit taken aback by my response.

It was unexpected.

He instantly starts to apologize, as he should because I am not just some piece of meat. If he wants to be my friend, he better learn really quick just how hard to get Alex Monroe really is.

“No, Alex. Hey, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it like that. I don’t want you to think I’m an asshole, but I wasn’t sure if you were into me or not because it seemed like you and Kohen were really getting along." He starts to backtrack.

“What's that supposed to mean?” I ask.

“Nothing. I just…never mind. I don't want to put my foot in my mouth. Look, there's Kohen now.”

My brain freezes and my body melts. How those two things can happen at the same time, I have no clue and it makes zero sense, but it’s happening.

I turn to face the direction that X is staring in, and sure enough, there he is. He isn’t alone. He walks our way with a short redhead woman by his side, and my stomach drops. Of course, everything he said was bullshit. Especially when he has some other girl at his side just two hours later.

I feel like an idiot, and I sure feel it as I watch him walk closer to us. I’m confident, but I can recognize beauty when I see it. This girl is gorgeous. She’s smiling and saying hi to people as she passes them, making everyone feel welcome in her presence. I wish that I could say she is ugly, but she isn’t. I amnotthe type of person to hate on someone else just because I’m jealous, and let’s be real- I am jealous. I look away and gather my thoughts as Kohen brings X in for a bro hug and handshake.

I look away quickly so I can gather my thoughts and decide how I want to react. I hear Cora’s voice in my head saying,kill them with kindness, Alex.I can’t text her since she is already in class, and I know her notifications are off. Fuck! If there is a god up there, please help me keep fucking calm!

I turn back, rubbing my eye, pretending like I had something in it, but I see Kohen's eyes locked on me. The audacity of this man to be staring at me so intensely in front of the girl he is with. I smile at them both and act like I don't give a fuck. I see him still looking at me and I keep my eyes on X. I’m not about to let him see me bothered. He hasn’t said anything, and I won’t be the first one to speak to him either. Instead, I introduce myself to the redhead.

“Hi, I’m Alex. I just wanted to say you are so damn gorgeous,” I say, holding my hand out to shake hers. We shake hands. Hers are small and soft, and suddenly I find myself wondering if mine are soft. Nothing about me is soft. “I’m Xzavien’s friend. It’s nice to meet you.”

I pull my hand from hers. Smiling, I look over at X, and even though he and Kohen are having their own conversation, I can tell he was paying attention to mine. She responds to me in the mousiest voice I have ever heard, reminding me of Ariana Grande inVictorious.

“Thank you, doll. I’m Sarah. It’s nice to meet you. I just want to say you have a gorgeous body. I wish I had curves and an ass like that.” She giggles, and I can’t help but join her in laughter.

Blushing I look up through my lashes and make eye contact with Kohen, who is biting his bottom lip and staring straight at me. I hope neither Sarah nor X notices.

“Thank you. Sometimes I wish I was less curvy, though. It would be easier to find jeans or wear skirts.”

“Oh, baby, I hear you but can’t say I understand it. You are perfect. I, on the other hand, look like a little boy. So, wear the skirt, dammit.” We break out in laughter again. She’s a breath of fresh air, and clearly, he is an asshole for gawking at me right in front of her.

I rub X on the arm to catch his attention since a couple of his other friends came up to chat. Right when I’m about to speak, Kohen clears his throat to try and grab my attention, demanding the attention of the circle. I start to talk to X because I refuse to allow him to think he can demand that type of attention from me. He can do that with his little circle of friends but not me. He can sweat it out. He can talk to me first if he wants to.

“Hey, X. I have to go. Sarah- we will have to chat again soon. I’ll find you on Instagram."

We say our goodbyes. I hug X and start to walk away. I take a couple of steps and turn back. “Oh, I almost forgot about that date. I’d love to, so text me with the details, okay?”

“Sure thing, babe,” he says with a wink, and my heart skips a beat.

Mission accomplished. I continue to walk, taking slow steps as I dig through my purse for my phone. I feel bad that I’m using X to make Kohen jealous, but no harm no foul. Besides, I was interested in him first and Kohen is with Sarah. I stop a few steps away from them. I start texting Cora to let her know we need to meet at the campus Cafe.

And then I hear him. Kohen.

“So, you weren’t going to say hello, Alex?”

The entire hall goes quiet. That's the power his voice has, it gives me goosebumps all over my body. I didn’t think he was even going to acknowledge me, the little playboy he is. I don't say anything, I just turn to stare at him.

“That's a little rude, Angel. You and X man on a date? That's interesting.” He smirks and my panties fucking melt. Why the fuck does he have to be so damn sexy? X looks uncomfortable and now I feel awful. I was not expecting Kohen to actually say something in front of everyone. What the fuck is wrong with him? He was with me in class just hours ago, pressing up against me, and now he’s here with Sarah. If he wants to play games, I’ll show him how fun it is to play with me.