Her heels are discarded at the end of the couch, and her eyes meet mine as soon as I step into the space. Her eyes have so much emotion that it takes my breath away for a moment and makes the pain in my chest swell to new heights.
"Hey," she says as she sits up and gives me a sleepy yawn. "You're back."
I'm so surprised that all I can do is blink at her. "I thought you were going back to Denise's house."
"I did go back there at first," she says a little sheepishly. “But I couldn't stop worrying about your mom or you. I couldn't let you come back to an empty room to deal with all of that by yourself, so I had Denise bring me back to wait for you."
At her words, I feel the world practically tilt under my feet, stirring a potent mix of surprise, gratitude, and some other feeling I can't quite name that sends my heart racing.
I swallow hard.
"You came back to wait for me?"
Lisa chuckles, shaking her head. "Denise tried to talk me out of it, but I knew it was the right thing to do. How is your mom?”
There's a lump forming in my throat. But somehow I manage to say, "Stable. They're running a few more tests, but it looks like she's going to be okay. She had an allergic reaction from her essential oils. The doctors put her on meds to counteract it. She should be home tomorrow."
"I'm glad. I was really worried."
She picks a plate up from the table beside the couch. "I know it's silly, but I got you some of the wedding cake. Your mom made it, so I just thought it might be nice to have some after everything that happened with her tonight."
Lisa holds the plate out to me, but cake isn’t what I want. What I want is sweeter than any cake could possibly be.
I want to drown in her and keep her here with me as long as she will stay.
I know it's selfish, but I'm a selfish ass.
I take the plate from her and sit it back down.
She gives me a confused look. "Oh, you don't want …"
But I don't let her finish. I take her face in my hands and smooth my thumbs over her cheeks, pulling her close until our bodies are practically pressing together.
Looking into her eyes, I say, "I've got what I want right here."
Lisa sucks in a sharp breath as she drags her teeth over her bottom lip.
And that's it. My restraint is gone, and I can't let another second go by without tasting her.
I drop my mouth to hers and kiss her.
She melts into me, wraps her arms around my neck, threads her fingers into my hair, and holds me tight.
Kissing her is like a whirlwind of emotions, and I feel alive more than at any other time in my life.
She opens up to me, and I slip my tongue inside, caressing hers, and relishing the sweet taste of her. A mixture of wine and icing.
Better than cake any day.
But I still need more.
I back her up against the wall and press against her until our bodies are flush against one another.
I trail my hand over her hip and along the curve of her ass until I reach her thigh, and wrap it around my hip. I smile as she shivers against my fingertips. Then she moves her hips and presses herself against me, and I almost jump.
She grabs my face and moves it so we're staring into each other's eyes. "John, I need you."
"Oh baby, you fucking have me." I kiss her.