"Can I cut your hair?" The dangerous gleam in Amanda's eyes did not bode well for Alena's hair.

She lifted the heavy rope of her long blond hair and pursed her lips. "I loved this hairdo I got when I was pretending to be a Slovakian supermodel, but it wasn't me. It also doesn't fit my simple wedding dress."

Carol lifted a finger. "A fairy princess style. That's what you should go for."

Alena smiled brightly. "That's what I'm aiming for."


"Iwant to see Bob." Mia swiveled her chair around in an expert maneuver that had Frankie shaking her head. "Toven is with Orion and the rest of the guys, smoking cigars and drinking whiskey, but I was not invited to Alena's pre-wedding get-together."

Frankie arched a brow. "Were you hoping to be invited?"

Mia shrugged. "I think it's only her mother and sisters. Anyway, put on your bikini and let's go. Dagor is with Toven and the others, and based on past events, cigar smoking takes a long time. We have at least two hours."

That answered whether she should wait for him or go alone.

"My bikini is already on." She opened her robe to show Mia. "What do you think?"

Mia grinned. "That purple color looks amazing on you. When Dagor is done smoking and comes looking for you, he will have a hard time keeping his fangs from elongating once he sees you."

The reminder had Frankie's nipples pebble, and as she pulled the robe closed, she hoped that Mia hadn't noticed. "Thanks." She tied the belt around her waist. "What about you? Still too self-conscious about being seen in a swimming suit?"

They'd argued about this before, with Frankie trying to convince Mia that she looked hot despite her condition and should put a swimming suit on and enjoy the beach.

"I'm not going into the pool, so there is no point. I'm comfortable as I am."

It was on the tip of Frankie's tongue to point out that Mia's legs were nearly fully regenerated and that no one on the ship cared about her having no feet, but she swallowed the retort and nodded. "You're the boss."

As they left the cabin, Frankie was glad to discover that the hallway wasn't deserted, and other occupants were emerging from their cabins or returning to them. Several had their bathrobes on, so she assumed that they were on their way to the pool as well.

"I have a feeling that we are not going to be alone on the Lido deck today."

Mia nodded. "It's going to be crowded, but that never bothered you before, so why should it now?"

Frankie chuckled. "Yeah, but that was with normal people and not gods and immortals."

"You are dating a god." Mia drove her chair into the elevator. "So that shouldn't faze you."

As people made room for her, Frankie squeezed by and didn't respond.

Mia had made her comment before entering, so no one had heard her, but Frankie wondered how many knew about her and Dagor.

According to Mia, he had rushed to her side when she'd fainted and everyone had seen it, so there must be rumors, but she wasn't going to confirm it for them.

When the elevator stopped on the top deck, she waited until they were outside before leaning over to whisper in Mia's ear. "I don't want to make our relationship public. I don't know how many people know about it and if Dagor is okay with it."

Mia laughed. "After your entrance to the dining hall this morning, I doubt that there is anyone who doesn't know. He held your hand, looked at you lovingly, and kissed your cheek. Given that public display of affection, I don't think Dagor minds everyone knowing you are together. In fact, I think he was making a statement to deter others from approaching you."

Frankie swallowed. "I forgot about that."

After the night and morning they had spent together, holding hands and kissing had been natural, and it hadn't registered as anything unusual.

Maybe she'd still been loopy from his bite.

There was a lightness, a floaty feeling that she'd ascribed to the fabulous sex, but maybe there was more to it. She should have remembered to let go of his hand before entering the dining hall.

Who needed all the rumors?