"He's not my boyfriend." Frankie cast a sidelong glance to where Dagor was sitting with his teammates and Aru's mate. He didn't look happy, and it seemed like he was arguing with Negal.

Was it about her?

"You are right." Mia chuckled. "Dagor is not a boy. He's not even human. Maybe we can call him your god-friend?"

"Just a friend." Frankie cut a piece out of the omelet and put it in her mouth.

She wasn't a breakfast person, and the eggs made her nauseous. A piece of toast would have been better, with a little jam.

Except, she had a feeling that it wasn't the eggs that were making her stomach roil. It was the aggravated expression on Dagor's face. She much preferred to see him relaxed and flirty.

Did it have anything to do with her?

She swallowed with difficulty. What did she care about what made him angry? As long as he was nice while with her, she shouldn't worry about arguments he had with his friends, right?

God, she was such a damn people pleaser.

Well, her former bosses would strongly disagree with that statement. A contrary brat would be their more likely description of her.

That was because she was only eager to please those she cared about, and for some reason, she had added Dagor to that list. Given her enormous family, there were many people she cared about, but other than that she didn't have a lot of friends.

In fact, her only real friends were Margo and Mia, and they were more like sisters to her. The rest of the people she knew were acquaintances.

There were a couple of boyfriends that she'd cared about in the past, but getting into her bed didn't automatically mean getting into her heart, especially not in one day.


There was no assigned seating for breakfast, and as Kian scanned the dining hall, Kalugal waved him over, pointing to the two chairs at the table where he sat with Jacki, Amanda, and Dalhu. The rest of the family wasn't there, and he wondered whether they were late or had already eaten.

His mother was probably having breakfast in her cabin, and perhaps Alena and Orion had joined her. Although if that was the case, why hadn't she also invited him and Syssi?

"Good morning," Syssi greeted the two couples.

Kian repeated the greeting and pulled out a chair for Syssi. "Are Lokan and Carol still asleep?"

"I guess so," Kalugal said. "We waited for them until four in the morning. The speedboat they chartered to the ship was not as fast as its owner had claimed. Lokan was ready to go back and strangle the guy for lying to him."

The speedboat had been supposed to catch up to the Silver Swan two hours earlier, so Lokan had a good reason to be pissed.

"I don't know why they bothered in the first place." Amanda poured coffee into her mug. "Yamanu was shrouding the entire dock, and the Guardians took care of the port's surveillance cameras. Carol and Lokan could have just gotten on board without any trouble."

"I'm always in favor of more caution." Kian sat Allegra down in the highchair. "If they had a tail, it couldn't have followed them on the water without them seeing it."

Kalugal nodded. "I agree. If we didn't need Lokan to be our ears and eyes in the Brotherhood, I would have advised him to fake his own death a long time ago and cross over."

Lokan wasn't interested in joining the clan, though. He still dreamt about liberating the island from his father's yoke and rehabilitating its inhabitants.

The guy was a dreamer, and in this respect, he reminded Kian of Annani. His mother also believed in rehabilitating the monsters.

Kian was not as forgiving, perhaps because he'd been exposed to their evil-doing and hadn't shared the details with his mother to save her the heartache.

His philosophy was simple. Anyone who had raped and murdered didn't deserve to live and was beyond redemption. Then again, Dalhu had ordered Mark's murder, a defenseless civilian, and here he was, mated to Amanda, father to Evie, sitting at the table with the family.

Dalhu had been following orders, but sometimes Kian wondered how far his obedience would have gone. If Navuh had ordered him to rape and murder children, would he have done it?

Compulsion was a powerful force, but Kian had a feeling that Dalhu would have slit his own throat before obeying such orders.

Besides, even Navuh wasn't that evil.