He caught it so fast that she didn't see him move. "Careful, they are sharp, and no, this is not their full length."

He sounded a little slurred, but it was sexy.

Heck, everything about the guy was sexy.

"You move as fast as Edward."

"You still haven't told me who this Edward fellow is."

It was easy to forget that Dagor wasn't really from Hungary, or from Earth for that matter, and that he hadn't seenTwilightor read the books.

She liked that he was jealous, though.

"Edward is a fictional character who is a vampire, but not an evil one. He is one of the good guys, and he protects humans."

When Dagor stared at her with confusion in his incredibly blue eyes, she frowned. "You know what a vampire is, right? As in a bloodsucker?"

His eyes brightened. "Like the Kra-ell."

"Who and what are the Kra-ell?"


"Never mind." Dagor waved a dismissive hand. "There are none on this ship. They don't like deep water."

Frankie gaped at him. "I still don't get it. Are they people who suck blood from other people and animals like vampires do, or are they some bat-like animal that lives on blood?"

"They are people from my home planet, and they mostly drink from animals. They are a different species."

"You mean different from the gods."


"Why do you call yourselves gods?"

He smiled. "Because we are the creators of all intelligent life in the galaxy, including Earth."

Her eyes widened. "Get out of here."

"Did I offend you? Is that why you want me to go?"

Frankie's lips twitched with a suppressed smile. "It's just an expression. I don't want you to leave."

He let out a breath. "That's a relief. I'm sorry about not getting some of your cultural references. I'm not much of a television or movie watcher, and I don't read fiction. My interests are more technical in nature."

She lifted her hand and cupped his cheek. "You would have been perfect for my other bestie, Margo. She loves smart nerds. But I call dibs, meaning you are mine because I saw you first."

"I'm good with that." He dipped his head and pressed a soft, experimental kiss to her lips.

Her eyelashes fluttered. "Really? You are okay with being mine?"

Not forever. For the length of the cruise, he was willing to be exclusive with Frankie, but she might not like his answer.

Still, he didn't want to mislead her.

"I'm yours until the end of the cruise. After that, my team is heading out to Tibet, and you are starting a new job at Perfect Match, so the best we will be able to do is talk on the phone or send each other messages." He smiled. "Long-distance relationships are difficult to maintain."

Frankie wrapped her arms around his neck. "We've just met, and I don't have any grand expectations from you. I just want to have some fun with a god." She frowned. "Damn, I won't be allowed to brag about it, right?"