"You know how much I like reading vampire romances. The thought of losing copious quantities of blood scares me, but the fangs on their own do not."

Mia's suspicious expression morphed into a smile. "That's what you think. Wait until you see Dagor's fully elongated fangs. They are really scary, but the good news is that gods and immortals don't use them to drink blood. They are for injecting venom, which does wondrous things. It's a euphoric, an aphrodisiac, and a healing tonic all in one. You're going to orgasm like you never have before, then you're going to soar over the clouds and see strange and wonderful things, and when you wake up, you'll feel like a new woman, energized, vibrant, and ready for another round."

Frankie turned to look at her friend and grinned. "Why did you think telling me that would make me faint again? That sounds amazing."

"It is out of this world, literally, but after you reacted so strongly to what we told you before and to seeing the goddess and discovering that your new friend was a god, I was sure the mention of fangs would induce another fainting spell."

"Yeah, well. I fell down the rabbit hole, and it was scary, but now that I'm already in Wonderland, I'm ready to explore all it has to offer."


Dagor stopped by his room to grab a quick shower, brush his teeth, and put on a pair of jeans and a T-shirt.

When he emerged from his room with the gift bag Merlin had given him, he found his companions sitting in the living room, Aru and Negal still in their tuxedos and Gabi in her evening gown.

"Is the girl okay?" Gabi asked.

"For now, she is. I will spend the night in her cabin to keep an eye on her, and tomorrow, the doctor will see her."

"How do you know her?" Aru asked.

He didn't have time to explain. "I met her on the Lido deck; we shared a drink and got friendly. Now, if you'll excuse me, a royal is waiting for me to show up and release him from his post of keeping an eye on his mate's best friend."

Dagor didn't wait for a response as he walked to the door and opened it. "Have a good night. I'll see you tomorrow at breakfast."

"Have fun," Gabi called after him.

He intended to, but he needed to figure out what fun he would pursue.

Something was wrong with Frankie, so perhaps watching television in bed would be all they could do. It was a shame because she looked so sexy in the comfy outfit he'd chosen for her.

There was also the issue of his fangs. Did she even know about that?

Surely her best friend had shared the details with her, but if not, he would have to do it, and he wasn't sure how. He had thralled all the other human females he'd been with to not notice his fangs or glowing eyes. After they had woken up from their stupor, he'd reinforced the thralling with fake memories.

There was no need to do that with Frankie, and since he planned on enjoying her company more than once, he shouldn't thrall her.

On the other hand, he might save her a fright, which was an essential consideration given her propensity to faint when overwhelmed.

When he got to her cabin, Dagor rang the doorbell and waited for the door to open while wondering if she'd discovered that she could open it with the remote. Until he'd told Gabi about it, she hadn't known that she could see who was on the other side of the door on the television screen and not just on the small one next to the door.

As the buzzing sound ensued, signaling that the lock was disengaged, but no one opened the door, he figured Frankie had found out about the first but not the second.

He pushed the door open and walked inside. "Hello." He smiled at both ladies. "My apologies for taking so long. I stopped by my room to shower and change."

"Toven told us." Frankie eyed the little bag with curiosity. "What did you get?"

"A surprise." He turned to Mia. "Did your mate leave already?"

"He did." She reached with her hand and put it on hisarm. "Goodnight, Dagor. Take good care of my friend."

"I will."

After Mia left, there was a long silence, with him and Frankie appraising each other. She was spread out on the couch, and he didn't know whether to sit next to her or on the armchair.

"Come sit with me." She scooted back and patted the spot she'd vacated. "And show me what's in the bag. I love surprises."

Dagor pulled out the box of chocolates. "I hope you like them."