As Dagor walked over to the bar, there was a lightness to his step that he hadn't felt for the longest time.

Frankie was entertaining, and she was beautiful in a very human way.

He liked that she took great care with her appearance, and everything about her was polished to perfection, from her hair to her nails and everything she wore.

But what he liked most was that her blue eyes were full of life.

Yes, that was it. That was what he found most charming about her. She looked like someone who was upbeat by nature and didn't take things too seriously. She could be a perfect fling companion for this cruise and an antidote to boredom.

"What can I serve you, master?" Bob asked with a smile on his shiny metallic face.

"The lady you served earlier is wondering whether you can serve drinks poolside or are you confined to the bar."

"I am free to move around, master. Shall I bring you both new drinks?"

"Yes, please. Frankie wants another mojito, and I wouldn't mind another serving of the superb Japanese whiskey you suggested. Can I snatch a photo of the bottle? I would like to order some for myself."

"Of course, master." The robot reached for the bottle with his long arm and put it on the counter before Dagor.

"Tell me something, Bob," Dagor said while snapping a picture. "Do you have a record of everyone on board?"

"Naturally, master. I have the roster but don't have pictures attached to the names." He smiled again. "I am learning, though. Eventually, everyone will stop for a drink, and I will put their face next to their name on the roster."

"Who is your creator?"

The robot did an excellent job of mimicking a frown. "I have many creators. It takes more than one person to build a Bob."

"Are there more of you?"

"Not at the moment. I am a prototype. If I prove successful, more of me will be built." The robot froze momentarily as if listening to instructions and then smiled again. "I shall bring the drinks to you and Mistress Frankie." He turned around.

Someone must be monitoring Bob's interactions with people, and whoever that was had realized that they should have better safeguarded what he could say and to whom.

When Dagor returned to Frankie's side, he was greeted with such a strong scent of female arousal that he was nearly knocked off his feet.

Had she been talking to a paramour while he was ordering drinks for them?

It was her right to do so, but it annoyed him for some reason. The reason was that he'd had plans for her, and if she was involved with someone, she wouldn't be open to spending the night with him.

"Bob will bring us the drinks." He sat back on the lounger.

Frankie uttered a throaty chuckle. "Since you walked over there, you could have brought the drinks already."

He arched a brow. "I thought that you were curious to see Bob serving drinks away from the bar, and the truth is that I'm curious, too."

As a whizzing sound announced Bob's approach, they both turned to look over their shoulders at the robot.

His torso was attached to a trapezoid base that moved on wheels, not legs. He held their drinks in two of his hands and bowls of snacks in the other two.

The body was crude for such a sophisticated artificial intelligence, and Dagor wondered whether it had been done on purpose. Humans were still wary of robots that looked and acted too much like them, and he couldn't blame them.

Even the gods realized that machines shouldn't be given humanoid features.

"Your drink, Mistress Frankie." Bob offered her the mojito. "And the whiskey for the master." He handed Dagor his. "I also brought more snacks." He smiled at Frankie. "In case the mistress is still peckish."

"Thank you." Frankie gave Bob a dazzling smile that went straight to Dagor's groin.

He'd been in trouble from the moment he had scented her arousal and tried not to respond because it hadn't been for him, but that smile was like throwing gasoline on a raging fire.