"He's one of the owners of the company. How come you don't know him?"
He still looked perplexed. "What company? Are you still talking about those virtual matchmaking studios?"
"Well, duh." She waved a hand. "This is a company cruise. All the guests are involved with the company in one way or another." As it occurred to her that he might not belong, she narrowed her eyes at him. "Are you a stowaway?"
That was not likely, given the tight security. Still, given his question, maybe he'd asked her if she was a staff member because he was a stowaway?
"I'm not a stowaway. I was invited."
"By whom?"
"Oh." Tom and Mia had mentioned asking someone named Kian if it was okay to invite her and Margo on the cruise. The guy must be Tom's silent partner or perhaps his assistant or manager. "How do you know Kian?"
Doug grimaced. "We are very remote cousins, and we have just discovered that we are related. We hope to get better acquainted during this cruise."
That explained why he knew nothing about Perfect Match, but she wondered why mentioning his distant cousin had made him grimace.
"That sounds lovely, and it was very nice of Kian to invite you. Why the face, though?"
He arched one dark brow. "What face?"
"The grumpy face." She waved a tiny hand with perfectly manicured nails over him. "Going on a cruise with newly discovered family should be exciting."
He shrugged. "I'm not the cheerful sort. In fact, my friends accuse me of always being a grouch."
Frankie didn't buy it. "Is there bad blood between you and your distant family?"
He shook his head. "I don't mind getting to know my relatives, but I'm unhappy about the cruise. I'm not a fan of deep water, and I also don't like sharing a cabin with my other two cousins, especially since one of them is newly engaged. He and his fiancée are in the honeymooning stage if you know what I mean."
Frankie laughed. "I do, and I envy you. It's awesome to be around people who are in love. Their happiness is infectious, and it brings good luck." She leaned over and pretended to whisper. "You might soon fall in love yourself."
"Fates, I hope not."
She frowned. "Why not? Being in love is the best thing in the world. We all live for the moment we find that one special person."
"I don't." He lifted his legs onto the lounger and reclined. "Love complicates things."
It wasn't a big surprise that a guy like him was not interested in a meaningful relationship. He could have anyone he wanted, so why choose to be stuck with just one person?
Frankie closed her lips around the straw and slurped the dregs of her mojito. "I wonder if Bob can serve drinks poolside." She turned to Doug. "Do you know if he is stationary or mobile?"
"I don't, but I can find out." He sat back up and extended his hand, reaching for her empty glass. "Do you want the same drink or something else?"
"Another mojito would be lovely, thank you."
"It's my pleasure." He dipped his head before pushing to his feet.
Frankie watched Doug walk over to the bar, admiring his tight backside.
The guy was a dream, but only looks-wise. He was emotionally stunted and vacillated between being borderline rude and overly polite.
Heck, she wasn't even sure that he liked girls.
Still, when she fantasized about Doug later tonight, she would pretend that he was into her and that they were having a fabulous time between the sheets in a Perfect Match adventure environment of her choosing. Better yet, she could create a new one just for the two of them.