Mia uttered a little gasp, which usually meant that she'd thought of something that could be amazing. "Maybe Margo and Frankie can join us on the cruise? We could bring the machines onboard for everyone's entertainment."

"That's not feasible." Tom gave her a stern look.

"Why not? It's only ten days, and the memories created in a short time are easily… you know, forgettable."

What the hell was Mia talking about?

Frankie lifted two fingers up to check how drunk she was, but they still looked like two and not three or four, so she wasn't drunk enough to misunderstand Mia's strange comment.

"When is the cruise leaving?" Margo asked.

"Two and a half weeks. We are going to cruise down to Mexico and back to Long Beach. It's not so much about the excursions as it is about the ship and spending time with family and friends. Several couples are getting married on the cruise, so it will be fun."

"I don't know if we have room," Tom said. "I need to ask."

Mia waved a dismissive hand. "There is plenty of room. I bet not everyone who was invited will come."

"Thanks for the invitation, but I can't go." Margo made a miserable face. "Lynda is having a bachelorette party in Cabo. I have to be there even though I would rather have consecutive dentist's appointments. She will make my brother suffer if I bail for any reason."

"Oh, right." Mia's face fell. "Their wedding is in a month." She looked down at her legs. "I'm still not going to be able to walk on my own. It's taking so long."

Frankie leaned over and patted her friend's shoulder. "It's a miracle that you are regrowing your legs at all. It doesn't matter how long it takes, as long as it happens, right?"


Mia's legs were progressing beautifully. Her body had just started regenerating her feet, but since those were the most complicated parts of the reconstruction process, they would take a while.

That was one of the reasons why the two of them were not getting married on the cruise. Mia wanted to dance at her wedding, and she also wanted her best friends to be there. If the two proved to be Dormants, moved into the village, and transitioned, the wedding would occur either in the village square or on another cruise. However, if Margo and Frankie were fully human, Mia had suggested a small wedding in Zurich.

Toven liked the idea of a smaller wedding with just the close family attending, but at the end of the day, he knew that he would do precisely what Mia wanted and how she wanted it.

"I know," Mia sighed. "I'm so grateful." She turned to Toven with so much love on her beautiful face that he would have given her the moon if she had asked for it. "Can Frankie come?"

Or at least tried.

He had a feeling that convincing Kian to let Frankie join the cruise might be more difficult than getting her the moon.

"You know it's not up to me, love."

"Aren't you the boss?" Margo asked.

"I have partners, and they are very reclusive."

"Oh." Frankie's face fell. "So, they are the ones organizing the cruise." She turned to Margo. "There is no chance in hell they will invite us. Remember how secretive they were when Mia and Tom first met them?"

Margo nodded. "I can't come anyway, but I'm sorry you can't."

"We can pick you up at Cabo," Mia said, as if her friends joining her on the cruise was a done deal.

Margo winced. "It's a week-long thing, and Lynda is not the compromising type. I have to be nice to her because she's about to become family, and I will be stuck with her for as long as she and David are married."

"Excuse me, ladies." Toven pushed to his feet and put his hand on Mia's shoulder. "I'll be back in a few minutes."

A secretive smile blooming on her face, she nodded and lifted a hand with crossed fingers but only as high as her thighs so her friends couldn't see it.

Of course, she'd guessed that he was going to call Kian.

It was after working hours, but he knew Kian would take a call from him. Lifting Frankie's mood might not be high on Kian's list of concerns, but she was a potential Dormant, or at least Toven hoped she was, and it was time to put the suspicion to the test.