Aru nodded. “I have not.”

“Why not?”

“Because you asked me not to. What is this all about, Kian? Why the sudden paranoia attack? Have you learned something new that bothers you?”

“It's nothing new.” Kian groaned. “It's the same as always. My mother is making my life difficult.”

Aru arched a brow. “Your mother?”

“She wants to meet you and your friends, which means the cat will be out of the bag very soon.”

Light shone in Aru's eyes as he realized what Kian was implying.

“Your mother is a goddess. I should have known. You look more like a god than an immortal because you are a demigod.”

Kian grimaced. “I don't think of myself that way. It sounds so bombastic. My mother wanted to meet you and your teammates as soon as possible, but I convinced her to wait a little longer.”

The light in Aru's eyes dimmed a little. “In that case, I need to tell Negal and Dagor about the gods living among you.”

Kian lifted his hand. “I want to test them before you do that. I need Edna and Andrew to question them and give me the green light or tell me that they are not to be trusted. If that's the case, I'll tell my mother she can meet you but not the others.”

“I can vouch for Negal and Dagor's trustworthiness.”

Kian chuckled. “Then why are you keeping secrets from them?”

“I told you. We keep each other safe by compartmentalizing. Every member of the resistance only knows what she or he has to. That way, if any of us are discovered, we don't take down the entire organization with us.”

It sounded logical, and Kian agreed that it was good practice given who they were dealing with, but it could also mean that Aru himself was not trustworthy.

“Even if Edna and Andrew clear them, don't tell them yet. Wait until I give you the green light.”

“When is the meeting going to take place?”

“Two and a half weeks.”

Aru frowned. “Is there a reason for this timeline? Does it have anything to do with Gabi's recovery and our stay in this penthouse?”

“No, but it's a happy coincidence. You, Gabi, and your teammates are going on a vacation with me and my family.”

He didn't want to tell Aru about the cruise yet or that most of the clan would be there. As the god himself had said, compartmentalizing information was a prudent safety precaution.

Aru seemed taken aback, but he was a skilled politician who plastered an amiable smile on his too-handsome face. “Thank you for inviting us. I'm sure it will be a wonderful opportunity to get to know each other and perhaps develop more mutual trust, but may I inquire about the destination and duration of the trip?”

“Mexico,” Kian said. “Ten days round trip.”

“I've never been to Mexico. I'm looking forward to it. Will formal attire be required for any part of the trip?”

That was an incredibly good guess. Had Anandur blurted something about the cruise weddings even though Kian had warned him not to?

The rest of the clan hadn't been given the exact sail date yet, and Amanda was still working on the itinerary, but it had to be done soon. People had work obligations they needed to rearrange. Come to think of it, new clothing for the trip and evening wear for the celebrations would need to be purchased. After all, they would be attending several weddings, and the ladies would no doubt want a different gown for each night.

It would be difficult to keep the cruise a secret from Gabi.

Kian nodded and leaned back in his chair. “I wanted to keep the details a secret for a little longer, but your question about formal attire made me realize that it wasn't the best idea. We are going on a cruise, and each night is reserved for a different couple's wedding. So yeah, you will need a tux or two, and Gabi might want to get several evening dresses.”

The light in Aru's eyes intensified. “Gabi will be thrilled. She'll probably want to get married on the ship, too. Are there any nights still available?”

“Not as far as I know, but you can have a lunchtime or morning wedding.”